1. Your Curse

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Is it so bad in this world? Does everything always go wrong? Why does everything have to be so bad... There is nothing good. There is no life. There is no support. There is no good. So why is it just so good? Why with evil? This evil is good. The world is a lie. There is no truth. People lie. People have no feelings. They have no support. Nobody will help anyone. Won't save anyone. This evil has permeated the whole world. No point in trying any further. It doesn't make sense to want to do that. It's just bad....

"People have no heart. True?"


He is your curse. After all, he was born of people like you. He said so himself. I'm not lying. And even if you do, you believe him. By far, she's the realest person you know. Even if he's not telling the truth, you can't judge him. He clearly shows his emotions. He is made of evil. From bad energy. From negative emotions.

That's why he's human. He is also. People are lies. Curses are sincere.

He is sincere. Every emotion and thought. It's all true. And it will never change. He won't be human. It won't be like you. He will be a good person.

Like good made of evil. But it is your good. You don't know if it's good or bad, but you want to stay with him. As a friend. It doesn't matter what he does to you, as long as he acts like a real person next to you. Just... What does it look like? How can it be something you don't know it is?

Is there a man at all?

No one has a heart...

"What are you thinking about?" you suddenly heard a voice behind you. A familiar voice.

You turned quickly, hoping to see who you were thinking of.

"Hi, Mahito."

"Hi. What are you thinking about?"

"About what always..." you replied, looking back at your homework on your desk.

"I support your thinking. Because it's true."

"I know..."

"What are you doing again?" he asked, leaning over your chair and looking at the papers filled with many inscriptions.

"Homework for tomorrow... Or you could even say it's a project..." you replied placing your cheek on your hand as you stared at the last sentence you wrote down.

"About what?"

"It's from biology... Describe the entire human anatomy..."

"oh! I can help!" he groaned cheerfully, leaning in further, and grabbed your hand with a pen between his fingers. You looked wide-eyed at his pale hand on yours and pushed it away, but left the pen for him. Besides, you don't know if he'll write anything if he doesn't know where you ended up. You've already written three cards. And just reading it will take him longer.

"I know you know this, but no. It's my. I was about to end it anyway." You muttered to him.

"Is it that hard for you to agree? I'm offering you help."

"But even so, better not. The teacher will distinguish my handwriting from yours. And I'm not even sure you can grab a pen. And if people can't see you... Then maybe they won't see your handwriting."

"Haha! This pen is not a curse. You'll see the ink on the paper." He laughed.

"I'm not sure about that, and I don't trust your wisdom at all."

"Hey, I remind you that I of the two of us can shapeshift."

"When I do the twine, I will also change the shape. Instead of standing upright, your legs will be on either side." you told him.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 (Mahito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now