4. People don't have feelings

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"Ne, Mahito. Can you kill him, please?"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Because it's impossible for someone to love me. People don't have feelings."


"Why are you acting like this, (y/n)?"

"Never mind."

"Come on. Tell me!" he groans as he grabs your neck. You groaned in sudden pain. "(y/n)~ Are you going to tell me okay~?"

"M-Mahito." You groaned, wrapping your hand around his wrist.

"Go ahead and tell me."


"Kidding! Don't panic!" He laughed out loud as he let go of your neck, letting you massage the sore spots.

"Why are you-"

"You have to tell me." He suddenly leaned over to you with a terrible smile. His eyes were as dark as ever. You didn't recognize him. He didn't act like he always did.. He was cheerful before. Almost ridiculous. And now he's too serious. But you've never seen his smile turn into this. Sadistic. Abnormal.

His hand slowly moved up to your neck again.

Human existence makes no sense to him. So no need to hold back. But it's fun with you. He likes people's fear. He likes when they die. But he also likes you. And he doesn't want to kill you.

He felt a strange feeling grow inside him. He almost felt nasty. When he saw you thinking all the time. You even smiled slightly. He felt it annoyed him. He was pissed that you weren't paying attention to him. And he didn't know what it was.


Hearing you say his name made him feel so warm. And it surprised him. And it was also exciting that words can take the temperature.

The answer is clear. It's because he never experimented with emotions and feelings.

"It's just..." You continued. "I remembered one friend from first year."

"Really?" he laughed with a Dark chuckle.

"Yes. He... He moved to another school and now he's back again. Everything I've been through with him has come back..." you said softly sadly.

"What have you been through with him, huh?" gfy moaned as his smile grew softer.

For a moment you wondered if you could tell him. You want to do it because you haven't told anyone yet, but he's not a girl after all. He may not understand it. And he's not even human.

"I... I just... Ugh... He was a friend of mine whom I really liked... Almost like a crush" You blushed deeply. You ran away from him, throwing yourself on the bed to cover your face. You could fall to the ground. And you would never want to go outside.

"Crush?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

Oh yes. He didn't know what it was. After all, he was born recently. Plus, he doesn't do a lot of human stuff. He doesn't know much about it. But despite everything you thought, with a big blush on your cheeks, you told him anyway.

"It's a name for someone you like."

"Like it? Ooooh. So what are you to me?" he asked, slamming his fist against his open palm.

"What?!" you screamed in surprise.

"So I'm supposed to say you're my "crush"? Okay. So tell me what he's like!" he shouted, but not so cheerfully.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 (Mahito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now