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She couldn't help but nod in approval at her body in her cheerleader uniform. Her hip dips contrasted with her fairly average body, but she wasn't insecure. In fact, Clover loved her body. She smoothed out her uniform with the flat of her palm and sighed in content. Clover went to turn to the side to get a better view of her body in the short skirt, when suddenly, a knock interrupted the girl's self-admiring.

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Clover turned her body towards the window where fellow teenager, Billy Loomis stood. He wore a random sweatshirt and baggy jeans; typical teenage boy look, but his absolutely gorgeous face made up for that. He was gorgeous, with cheekbones sculpted by the gods, plush lips that all the girls in town wanted to kiss, and romantic eyes.

She raised an exasperated eyebrow at the boy, crossing her arms over her chest and pursing her lips. He pointed his finger at a random place across from where he stood, signaling that he would like to be let into the sanctuary of the girl's room.

Clover's room was girly. Pink and filled with stuffed creatures, Clover's "innocence" came alive and took the form of her bedroom. Filled with succulents, her decorated bay window, fairy lights, pink curtains, her king sized bed, pictures of her friends and family, and lastly, her desktop. Now, that desktop is interesting, but we'll come back to that later.

Clover smiled lightly quickly giving up her annoyed expression and walked over to the window before carefully and quietly, flipping up the latch. Billy opened the window up more, and climbed through the small opening. His body found hers. He pulled her into him (which wasn't hard to do seeing as he towered over her by a couple inches) and breathed in her flower-y fragrance.

Scoffing playfully, Clover pushed Billy back slightly causing him to whine at the lack of warmth. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she smiled coyly at the "perfect" boy.

"I don't think your girlfriend would enjoy you sneaking into another girl's room at night and hugging her." Clover said, eyeing the obviously irritated Billy. Billy rolled his eyes and wrapped her arms around Clover once more.

He wore ragged jeans that clashed with Clover's practically bare legs. His shirt was wrinkled but clean.

"I don't like her, you know that." Billy muttered into her curled locks. Clover frowned slightly, pulling away from Billy again. "I want you and only you." Billy assured, but Clover furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know we have to follow the plan-" Clover tried, but Billy shushed her and cupped her face with his large hands.

"Yes, Princess, I get it." Billy interrupted, sensing that the girl was about to go off on a another tangent. Clover pulled away from Billy's hand slightly and walked back over to her mirror. She quietly fixed her lipgloss, smearing just a small bit more over her lips. Clover ran a hand through her black hair, fixing the frizz. She saw Billy checking her out through her mirror and narrowed her eyes at Billy who looked back at her innocently.

"You sly-" Clover was interrupted again as Billy walking up to her and attacking her with feathery kisses. He peppered them all over her face causing her to let out a melodic laugh that he loved so much. Clover nudged the boy and he pulled away from his attack, but he latched onto her once more, relishing in the feeling of her in his arms.

His hands found purchase on her sides, his chin resting on her shoulder. He was cold but Clover's body heat made up for all of it. He wasn't suffocated, though, he rather enjoyed the reflection of the two cuddled up in the mirror.

Another knock from Clover's window interrupted the two's comforting silence. They both turn their heads and are met with a grinning Stu. Chuckling, Clover moves out of Billy's grasp and goes to open the latch. Stu stumbles through the window not-so-gracefully. Billy coughs out a laugh as his best friend falls face first onto the floor. Clover smirks and helps him up, her feminine hands latching onto Stu's rough, calloused ones.

Stu, much like Billy did earlier, latches onto the girl, nuzzling himself into the crook of her neck and inhaling her comforting smell.

"So boys," Clover spoke into the silence, allowing Stu to hold her as Billy did once before. "how was it?"

Stu took a step back, a manic grin replacing his once soft expression. Billy smirked from his spot, looking up at the two in front of him. Clover could practically feel their emotions.

"Incredible!" Stu exclaimed, whooping in enjoyment as he recounted the events that took place an hour prior. The blood, the gore, the screams. His eyes darkened at the mere thought.

"Didn't know that big of a word was in your vocabulary, Stu." Billy taunted, ignoring Stu's middle finger directed at him.

"Alright, boys. Place nice," Clover rolled her eyes and lowered Stu's arm. Clover sighed and walked over to the edge of her bed, sitting gently and facing the boys who moved next to each other.

"Tell me, details please." Clover demanded, eyeing the boys in excitement. Billy grinned.

"Well, all went according to plan." Billy said, his shoulders down and relaxed. He leaned back against the balls of his feet and eyed Clover on her bed.

"Yeah," Stu agreed, "we tied her boyfriend up first, made sure he couldn't get out. Taunted her for a while, you should've been there, her screams were so loud."

"Louder than mine?" Clover asked, innocently, however nothing about her words were innocent.

It went so silent you couldn't hear a pen drop. The two boys traded less than PG13 glances, swallowing harshly in tandem.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Clover tilted her head, a sly smile pulling at her features.

Billy could licked his lips and chuckle, "Never." Stu nudged Billy to keep him on track. They both cleared their throats, shaking their head as if it was an action to rid them of their thoughts. Clover could only giggle in amusement at the boys. She nodded, urging them to continue.

"We left her body hanging by a tree. Then, we finished off her boyfriend. Her parents are going to find her, it'll be everywhere." Billy informed the dark haired girl. Clover hummed in satisfaction. She brushed her curly hair out of her face and leaned back into the bed. She inhaled, and let out a giggle. One colder than her usual feathery, far away laugh. This one could chill the devil. It was manic, had an underlying vileness to it.

"Good work, boys," She praised, "I'm proud of you." She stared at the ceiling that held her lights. Her mind was swarming with different thoughts and calculations, but she stayed grounded, well as grounded as a psychopath could.

"Well," Said Stu, "We aim to please."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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