time for class

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A couple weeks into school, I already know what my favorite and least favorite classes are. In P.E, the teacher's kind of annoying. She always divides teams between girls and boys, which is just ignorant of her because she knows that there are a few nonbinary kids in the class. I know only one of their names. Beck is really nice, but they always seem to be talking about Marvel characters and ships. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, I myself have been a little obsessed with this thriller book series a while back called The Naturals, but they don't just talk about it. They drill their opinions and thoughts about Marvel into everyone, expecting the rest of the class to agree and talk about it like they do.

As for my other classes, they're okay. Surprisingly, I'm not half bad at algebra or or English (maybe because I read so much, now that I think of it) but I really need to work on my history. I have a bad memory and when I need to memorize the details of the place a war took place in two hundred years ago, I forget a lot.

I haven't seen much of Connor in the past week, but I have been talking to Ry on the bus sometimes. We don't have any classes together but I did get their number. I know they have three siblings, all older, and only one of them know that they're genderfluid. When I asked them why, Ry looked a little upset and changed the subject. But other than that Ry is pretty easy to talk to, always cracking jokes and whatnot, making me laugh. The stuff I'd felt after Mom breaking the news to me before we moved that Dad died has faded a little. I still miss him, a lot really, but it's easier to focus on other things now.

Mom is also more cheerful these days. She's cooking, which is definitely a first. I can't help still thinking that Dad dying didn't affect her at all, that was even hoping he would die, but every time I think that I get guilty. Of course she's hurting. She just shows it differently. After all, neither of us cried since then anyway.

"Miss Cornwall?"

I raise my head to look at my History teacher, Mr. Miller. Basic personality, basic boring classes. "Yes?"

"Can you tell me what island Napoleon was exiled to after the hundred days conflict?"

I glance down at the textbook open on my desk, but it isn't on the page needed. I look back up at him and sigh. I should probably know this. "Um... Alba?"

"Wrong! It was the island of Elba." Mr. Miller continues talking and walks around the room, picking other kids to answer his questions, while I lay my head on my desk and urge the time to go by faster.

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