Comfort person

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For sure we all have our comfort persons. I've got one too, my best friend. But the past two days, another boy made me feel pretty comfortable. We know each other for a week now because we have an actor camp together. We didn't actually talk much till yesterday. And today, I just sat down by him at the break and it was really cool. I felt understood and not forced to be anything. Not even forced to talk, I could just try to sleep. I just felt comfortable. We also began to talk about many things and at some point he borrowed me his book. And in the breaks before the premiere, I always read it. We just sat there and I read while he was on his phone. But we always reacted when we talkes to each other. And at the performance, we always supported each other. Oh, and we then danced as much as we could on the after party. Later I even just hugged him. It's just comforta le and I don't wanna lose that feeling. Only tomorrow is left, like we could share numbers, but I don't know- I'm a little ashamed because I don't use WhatsApp. Well, I'll see. I just wanna read again.

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