Liminal isnt criminal

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Her eyes shot open
Stiff dreamt of a world in which everyone had skin all over their face, and the majority had not one, but two eyes! Shaking slightly, she peers over to the desk next to her, takes a candy, and unceremoniously Yeets it under her bed.
"Stiff, I'm going to break you again" the thing muttered
She giggles and pets the skin-face under her bed, then stands up, checks her joints, and looks in the mirror.
"Skin-face, are cores in your world as pretty as me?"
Grumbling comes from under her bed
"Thought so" she patches up her paint and steps back to admire herself. She tilted this way and that, watching the light glint off her hand-crafted skin. Her pearl lips didn't smile, but inside she was beaming ." You are stunning stiff!" She opens her and is greeted by the flesh-face crafter, and her maker, time. "Mourning or morning?" She looks worriedly between them
"Mourning" time said slowly, their shadow casting over the entire room.
"Stiffer, you need to go to your world" flesh man explained, she nodded and pulled out a miniature cubby from the pocket of her oversized polo. she whispers,
"please take me home, R.E.M." her maker and the skin man tilt and swirl away.
"We'll miss ya, doll" the skin man chuckled and then,

Clove opens his eyes just before sunrise, his sister lay on the couch next to him, Bean never was a morning person, one might call her more of a MOURNING person!
He looked around the room lazily, splinter was using rosemary's pillow face as, well a pillow.
Tim was sitting up in the rigging, their cot was always soaked with oil, and eventually the group stopped asking questions, they were awake, as if they ever slept. They made all the rigging for the shows, and they never seemed to stop for a second,
danndi was in zer makeshift race car bed, but it was an actual car.
He smiles fondly at the memory, they had drove a car in here for zer birthday, which was not an easy task.
Finch was draped across him and Bean, that fucker liked to have him breathe them in, so she could experience dreams.
But he had pretty privileges and a certain eye for detail, so Clove had let him stay, and the guy was always somewhere near. if he called, she came running in a second. It was adorable to watch them book it into the ballroom. he did it a little to often.
Lacey was up in his nest, he'd never fallen before, but clove didn't want to see him hurt.

They hear a long sign and look over at Clove
"If your going to sleep with him, might as well be boyfriends ay dove?" They chuckle as Clove's hands show a bit of blush, his smiley mask had made it hard to read his emotions. Although his hands right now where telling them exactly what he thought.
"Awe dove, do you really mean that? We recall that means fuck you?"
Clove grumbled and raised his pinky, their mutual sign to shut up.
"Okie dokie." They turn their attention back to their typewriter, "So, boss, when's the next gig?" Clove groans
"Day after tomorrow" they chuckle,
"You don't sound excited. Do you want not like the falling-"
"No I don't like falling from the sky suspended by ropes that need to be an exact length or I'll splat on the ground" he complains, completely irrationally.

Zey blinked at Clove and Tim, watching them argue fondly, then decided it was no longer entertaining "PULL IT TOGETHER YOU BLOCK HEADS" both of them, along with the majority of the performers, stared at zem. "We have a show to run, now rehearsal, refresh, repeat." Splinter, Rosemary, and Bean race for the door, zey watch as Clove tries to wake Finch up, softly, nicely, and then he gives up and slaps her arm.
"WHAT THE HELL YOU FRANKINCENSE merchandise selling... oh hey Clove, miss me?"
Tim bursts out laughing
"Missed? He cuddled with you!" Danndi sends him a look and he shuts up
"Morning or mourning?" Finch chuckles
"Morning, now get up you spoiled brat before I have you help Tim make our death ropes" Clove growls. She snickers
"I'll make sure yours is extra tight" he teases and tilts his body "oh really?  That's a cute thing to think" finch cackles and darts out of the room, Clove on her tail.
Danndi turns to Tim
"You owe me a dollar, they didn't admit it in your ten days" they sigh and let a dollar fall to zer greedy hands.

[art by meself]
[i get it I'm not very author :)]
[if anything needs clearifacation let me know]
[please leave comments I want to hear back from y'all :3]

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