Jelly & Josh meets!(idk if I did this correctly but it's fine)

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Slogo and Jelly was done recording but we decided to stay on call
And once again crainer was gone
So we're left here
Slogo-Hey jelly I got some news
Jelly- what is it, Josh?
Slogo:I'm going to your house
Jelly-wait your flying here?!
After a whole day Josh(Slogo) finally arrived Josh knocked at the door and Jelly open
Slogo-wassup shortie!
Jelly-Heyyy Joshh!
Slogo-wait.. where's Sanna(Jelly's gf)?
Jelly- oh I forgot to say that- we..we
Slogo-yall what?
Jelly-we broke up..
Slogos/Joshes pov:
I was surprised just hear that Sanna and Jelly broke up and I don't why but we just ignored it after Jelly saying that. We both got in the house and Jelly and I sat down on the couch and I noticed Jelly was looking at me red as fuck like a tomato(lol-)
Slogo-Why are you so red?
Jelly's pov:
(Kinda lazy to do things ngl)
I was looking at Josh he was cute as hell mate.
(ALR I'll finish it or maybe not idk)

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