The Call

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Hey guys!!! I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been so busy with final exams and what not, but all that's over now, so ENJOY!

Dominic woke up to a face full of hair. He groaned as he slowly sat up in his bed. He was naked, with a horrible damn headache. He ground the palms of his hands into his eyes and cursed. He never, ever got hang overs.

Hearing a soft snore, he rolled his eyes and looked at what was sleeping next to him. It was some red head he bought home last night. If he were sobered up a little more he would've bought her to a hotel then would've left her ass in the morning, but drunk Dominic was an idiot. Complete dumb ass.

He lifted the blanket up from her body, and looked down her naked form. Dominic smirked. She was definitely worth bringing home...but it was time for her to go.

Grabbing his phone off the night stand he called Starz cabs and told them to make it quick. After that, he shook her shoulder. "Wake up." No answer. "Wake up," he said louder.

She woke up with a yelp, most likely to him shaking her so roughly. She turned her head towards him and smiled. "Good morning," she yawned.

"Called a cab for you. You should get dressed," Dominic explained as the girl stared at him with a confused expression. He got up and walked into his bathroom. He needed to shave. He looked like utter shit.

"I can take a shower with you if you want," the girl offered as she bit her bottom lip and looked Dominic up and down. "Or cook us some breakfast. Unless all you have is cereal," she laughed as Dominic sighed.

"This is a one night stand. Get your shit and leave. You do know how this goes right?" She looked offended. Dominic didn't care, he was getting annoyed. "Yeah, I'm rich. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, especially not a whore I met in the club."

Her face said it all. She was infuriated. "You know," she snapped as she picked up her clothes from the floor. "I thought you were going to be a nice guy. I mean the sex was off the charts, and I thought maybe his personality was too! Nope, you're an asshole," she shouted as she stormed out of his room.

He shrugged as he found his boxers and slipped them on, then followed her down the stairs. "The cab should be here any-"

"-I'm walking. I can't stay here with you waiting for a cab," she scoffed. "Thanks for the sex you pig headed bastard." She gave him the middle finger then left.

Dominic had the urge to laugh. This girl was probably the most annoying out of all the eight girls he slept with within the pat three weeks. Out of eight, he called back 3 for more...another 3 called him back and he accepted, and the second to last one was a freak...This one he didn't even get her name or her number, not that he wanted it with all that attitude. He was sure her name started with an A...or maybe an O....

"That wasn't nice." He turned around from the door, and saw Sonya with a plate of breakfast. He shrugged as he went over to her and she held the breakfast tray closet to her. "You can't eat food in your tidy whities," she chastised him.

Dominic rolled his eyes as he followed the annoying woman into the kitchen. "But I pay you not to care," Dominic told her as he grabbed a bottle of scotch and opened it. He then sat down on the stool and started swigging the burning Liquid down.

"You don't drink in the morning," she told him. "Why have you been doing so lately? And the women you bring here. I think you're trying to find something in them," Counselor Sonya told him.

He ignored her badgering and starting eating his omelet. "Someone like Estefania. Have you talked to her-"

"-Sonya, drop it."

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