The time you left

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"Hey, how's the game? Did you won? I'm really excited to hear all about it." , I texted him after organizing my books onto the top shelf. Those were the books I've finished reading. Dylan bought them for me. He said he loves looking at me while reading. Dylan is a simple guy. We never knew when we started dating.

"We won!!!! I'll be outside your house in 10 minutes. I'll tell you what exactly happened at the game", Dylan replied immediately. He knows that I really enjoy listening at his stories, specially when its about his game. I rarely go to his games because it doesn't always go with my schedules. Their last semi final game, I had an appointment to the dentist. Then their last year's final game, I had a science quiz bee at school. By the way, he still understands my schedule as much as I understand his.

I heard his car's horn outside our house. Then after that, a ringing on the doorbell. I ran downstairs quickly, opened the door and hugged him tight.

"Congratulations babe!", I told him while hugging him

"Thanks babe. Come on! Where do you want to go? The usual?" he asked me while walking me to his car.

"Sure baby", I answered.

I jump into his car and talked about his game.

We went to our usual place. The place where he confessed his feelings for me. It is near our friends' usual hangout. Back then, we would go camping by the beach. And our usual place there is near our camp site, on top of a huge rock facing the east side of the beach.

We had a great night. It was such fun talking with him. He had his friends come over with us at the beach to celebrate.

"I had fun. Thanks. See you tomorrow then.", I told him as I was opening the door.

Before I had fully opened it, he grabbed my arm, pulled me and kissed my lips. There's a moment of silence. I felt a chill on my back. This is good. His lips on mine felt like heaven. After that kiss, he hugged me tight that I wasn't able to breath easily. He didn't said a word so did I. There's still that silence between us. He looked at me with a sweet smile. He held my hand and kissed it.

"Bye beautiful. Goodnight", he told me after kissing my hand.

"Goodnight.", I answered as I go inside the house.

The next morning, I didn't have a chance to text him because I had to go to the meeting of the school's newspaper team. I woke up late and need to wake up my brother, Joshua, to drive me to school which is a hard thing to do. Our meeting ended after 2-3 hours I think. We have to make articles and must be passed immediately. After I made an article about the basketball team, I went straight home. My head aches. I want to take some rest.

When I got home, as usual, mom is cooking. Dad is at the office. Joshua is in his room. Me, on the sofa. I love laying and reading books here in this sofa. I don't know why but maybe because it was a gift from Dylan's mom to my mom's birthday last year. Mom really loves this sofa, she always keep it clean, not a dust on, behind and under it. I felt asleep and forgot to text Dylan about the article I wrote.

I woke up. I looked at the clock and its 3 pm already. I didn't got a text from Dylan. Maybe he is practicing basketball at the gym or maybe rehearsing with his band.

I love our relationship. We can go five hours without talking with each other but never feel incomplete. We become stronger together. We grow together and help each other to grow individually. We are being practical. With our age of 17, we need not to be childish anymore.

Next day...
"Good morning baby. Have a nice day", I texted him before cleaning my room. My cousins are coming over. I think they're going to be here for a month or so. They're from the Philippines, they'll be here for vacation. Its good to have them.

When I was cleaning my room, I saw the box that Dylan gave me on our 100th day, it was on top of my bookshelves. I don't remember that I put it in there. When I open it, there were so many photos of us. There's when we are at the beach, with our friends, so many memories.

I looked at each picture with a smile on my face. Reminiscing the memories. I missed the days when we're just friends, hanging out. I remember, when our friends were just teasing us that we're a perfect match. Are we? I didn't expect that he has a crush on me that time.

After cleaning my room, Joshua came into my room.

"Jane, are you finished cleaning? You need to read this", he said as he was holding his laptop and sitting on my bed.

"What's with Sarah?", he asked me while reading something on his laptop and I'm putting the box on my bookshelf again.

"Who is Sarah?", i asked him. I sit beside him and looked at his laptop.

I was shocked when i read what Sarah said on Twitter. I don't know who she is but it looks like she has a big problem with me and I dont know what it is.

"hey bitch. @JaneCollins you think you're pretty enough to be with @DyWard?", she tweeted. Who is she? She's so... ugh! What's her problem?! I dont even know who she is! Is that really necessary? If she hates me, she doesnt need to post it on Twitter or anywhere.

"Who is she by the way?!", I asked Joshua with an angry face.

"She's Sarah Johnson. Sister of Amy Johnson who is said to be obsessed with Dylan Ward. Sarah is a queen bee in our school. Dont you know anything about her? She's a bitch royalty.", my brother answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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