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     I watched Mk sit across from me and he seemed a bit off. I couldn't quite process what he was feeling and I didn't like it. I felt his eyes on me and I glanced up once more to meet them.
   "Do you have a staring problem?"
    I asked not realizing I came off more rude then I meant to. I took in a sigh and leaned forward a bit grabbing his arm gently
"Hey...uh. Are you ok?"
    I questioned not processing the fact that no he was not ok and yes I am dumb for asking. His eyes started to water and I felt my heart sink. I watched him turn pale and I could for a moment feel his pain. I slid off the couch and went in front of him
     "Mk I'm sorry was it something I said? I'm just rude I didn't mean it I'm sorry an-"
     "No... it's not... it's not your fault...I just."
He stopped speaking and I tried to process what he was trying to get at
   "Did someone say something ? did someone hurt you?"
I fell back quickly feeling his body against mine. His arms wrapping around my neck and his head nuzzled into my chest. I felt my face flush a dark red "....mk?" I sat up slightly and mumbled out.
"I'm sorry" I heard him whisper. I was wondering what he was getting at until I felt something soft press against my lips. I quickly pulled back and pushed away breathing shakily looking down embarrassed and flustered. Wait. Why did I do that?
Why would he kiss me? Did he like me? I couldn't bring together what was happening and why. I liked it too much. "What the" I muttered out covering my lips. I felt myself start to panic. Fuck.
"See.. that's why I apologized in advance" he muttered, standing up and grabbing his coat. Wait why was he leaving. He can't just kiss me and leave what is he some kind of monster ? Why would he? I couldn't breath properly and my face hurt from fighting the urge to laugh. This was new and I did like it.. I feel strangely about the kiss
"Wait don't leave please. I'm just.... Why did you kiss me?"
Mk turned to me in an almost dramatic sense but he wasn't joking this time. He still looked extremely off. Now that I think about it the last few times we've hung out he's been acting weird around me. He's always avoiding me. I just assumed that he was mad at me. Maybe he is
"You. Are so fucking oblivious " I heard him say in an almost angry.... No, sad tone.
"Oblivious?" I questioned.
"You.. maybe you aren't. Maybe I'm just." He groaned and turned to me walking back he set his coat down and looked at me with tears falling from his eyes once more " I've been trying. For so long to show you how I feel and all you do is push me away! Then you pull me back and act confused like your oh so innocent..."
I didn't understand at first until I really got my head out of my ass. Now that I think about it. He's been holding my hand out of no where but I just thought he did that when he was nervous. He's been cuddling me and laying on me and oh- ha. I'm so fucking dumb. I once against felt my face heat up to the point I wondered if I could even speak without messing up my words. I had never thought of mk like that because I never had any idea that he of all people could actually like me. I grabbed his hand and moved a step closer "I'm.. sorry" I whispered
I saw mk look away from me an embarrassed flustered mess... a sad flustered mess. "I..mk... I just... I never though that you could like someone .... Well like me." I said with all the confidence I could conjure up. There was a chance I would look like an asshole for assuming he liked me but what else am I supposed to assume
I watched his hand squeeze mine "I don't like you " I heard him say causing me to slowly start pulling away. My chest started hurting until
" red son I don't like you... I stopped liking you a while ago... I .. I don't like you because I love you" his voice said getting quieter and quieter.
I was shocked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and for some reason I wanted to smile and hug him and kiss him but is that too much? Was it too late " mk...why didn't you just say.. something "
He didn't answer. He looked to the side and pulled back "mk... I-"
I saw mk laugh a bit "no need to pity me ok... you don't have to pretend just to make me feel better "
I felt mad for some reason. I did like him. I'm so stupid. I love him even I should have - ..Fucking done something. Kiss him. Hold him. Fuck him anything !! God damn. He grabbed his arms not wanting to waist my last chance without a second thought I grabbed his face with one hand ,my other hand wrapping around his face I hesitated for a moment as I started at him looking. " mk.... I love you... too. I said shakily before kissing him lovingly. My grip loosened and I felt. Safe. Happy. If I had realized sooner I would have known how wonderful.. he was.
Mk pulled away slowly and started to smile a bit grabbing my face. "Really?" He questioned. The joy in his voice my my heart race to the point it felt like at this point It would fall out of my chest. I decided to not answer with words but actions. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers grabbing his face again but this time almost sweeter. I kissed him passionately feeling his arms wrap around my neck I knew I didn't want to let go. How could I be so stupid. He's so fucking amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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