(kissing) let's hide and take our time

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a/n : from my milnyu kissing collection on ao3

original work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35424067


Perhaps their managers would be freaking out now at the mere thought of where did their idols go?

Where did soloist Lee Hyunjae go, bolted right after he had finished performing his latest comeback song? And where did New of rising k-pop idol group 4EVER disappear to, only a matter of dozen minutes before their stage?

The havoc they would be causing right now; the chaos of running around the entire floor trying to find the pink head of Chanhee's or perhaps to find the tall figure of Jaehyun—is that comical to imagine?

But yet they're still hiding in the janitor's closet of the floor, making sure that the door is locked before hands start to come up.

They're in awfully close proximity, but not close enough to be fully touching and bodies flushed, other than their noses which are already bumping (but truly Chanhee blames that on the fact of how high Jaehyun's nose is) and their hands which are already on each other.

Whilst Chanhee's own pair are wrapped around Jaehyun's neck, Jaehyun's own are around his own waist, grabbing on not too harshly to not ruin the clean-look of the stage outfit that Chanhee had on, fully considering that the younger does need to go on stage only in mere moments after their session.

But for Jaehyun?

Jaehyun doesn't have a stage to perform after this; screw his stage outfit.

And sorry to his stylist if he comes back with clothes that are beyond messy, and even to his make-up artist if he returns with smudges of his lipstick everywhere or perhaps battered foundation.

..but is that his biggest concern? No, it really is not

When the only person he wants to stay with is in front of him, Jaehyun doesn't really care about the other factors over than just Chanhee.

Unexpected, Chanhee takes the initiative to guide them both; perhaps it's a precaution in case Jaehyun goes too rough and messes up his glittery make-up and outfit, but Jaehyun doesn't really mind when everything, when it's with Chanhee and no one else, is always a blessing to him.

(Because where is the lie? Even if it's cheesy, Jaehyun still stays true to that saying nonetheless.)

Chanhee takes it soft and slow, leaning in and feeling as their lips contact for a moment; no hard pressure nor any roughness of tongues or teeth, but only simply just lips pressed together and eyes fluttering close. His hand slithers up to Jaehyun's cheek, thumb rubbing in soothing circles onto the older's cheek as he tilts his head, even more, to gather a bit more depth into their kiss.

The other hand stays still at the nape of Jaehyun's neck as it plays with the material of the choker that the other is wearing, tracing over the chains of metal and over the silk fabric. Frankly, Jaehyun feels ticklish under the touch and it's evident as his lips curl ever so slightly up and Chanhee catches it. His fingers don't stop but instead, they start to wiggle around the connector piece, undoing it as it comes loose from Jaehyun's neck.

Choker falling onto the floor with the metal hitting first, a quiet 'clank' in response, Jaehyun now feels the coldness of Chanhee's finger against his neck; it bites into the part that was protected by the choker just seconds ago, sending goosebumps over Jaehyun's neck as his body tenses up ever so slightly at the foreign cold.

It's like that for a moment or two; Chanhee goes into his own pace and Jaehyun only follows.

Perhaps it's the change of mood when suddenly Jaehyun feels as Chanhee pushes him with his chest so that his legs would have to go back a few steps, stumbling ever so slightly; he grabs harshly onto Chanhee's waist out of instinct that he was going to fall until his back hits the floor and his body tenses down, releasing his hard grip.

Maybe the shirt that Chanhee has on right now might be crinkled with how Jaehyun's finger had just dug into them, a matter of moments ago, but when Chanhee doesn't say anything much, Jaehyun figures that the younger didn't mind it.

The hand that was sprawled on his neck goes to behind him and onto the door, propping Chanhee from falling right into Jaehyun.

Despite their height difference, Chanhee somehow perfectly leans into Jaehyun to the point that Jaehyun felt as if he's the shorter one out of the two of them. Perhaps it's the insoles that Chanhee has which makes the younger perhaps a few more centimetres taller than usual; hence being able to corner in Jaehyun like this when usually it's Jaehyun who towers over Chanhee if it was the usual circumference where Chanhee would let him lead, and not the vice versa.

But still, undeniably, Jaehyun still likes it when Chanhee takes the lead; at how the younger always like to start intimately but slow and then only build up more and more as each second passes by.

It feels as if the walls are closing in when Chanhee attempts to lean further, acting a bit more fierce than before. He pushes their bodies together to the point there's barely any more space between them and Jaehyun could feel the chains and jewels that decorate Chanhee's outfit press the thin material of the simple button-up shirt he had worn for the stage.

Chanhee always likes to assert himself in one way or another, whether it be like right now and how he pushes himself further into Jaehyun, or would it be the other hand that's not pushing against the door, to be reaching down at Jaehyun's chin, angling it.

Surprising, Jaehyun thinks, that Chanhee is able to do this out of pure instinct. Chanhee barely never leads their way when they're intimate like this, but whenever Chanhee does, Jaehyun feels so weak underneath the younger's body.

Way, way too weak.

When an abrupt notification rings in the closet from what Jaehyun could assume is from Chanhee's phone, they break it off for a moment and Jaehyun opens his eyes to see a frown etched into Chanhee's eyebrows as he reaches into his pocket and quickly on his phone as if attempting to close the sound. A scowl is present on his face, expression painted thoroughly and evidently before it all gets washed out and his eyes widen before they flick from the screen to Jaehyun.

"We're performing in three minutes wait-"

Chanhee immediately leans away, nearly stumbling backwards and falling. His head is directed down onto the phone, fingers tapping a fast reply, and Jaehyun takes this time to gain back his composure, getting properly back on his feet and catching his breath slowly one at a time.

"I need to go right now; I'm really sorry Jaehyun-ah," he speaks up, head coming back up. Jaehyun spots the stains of lipstick from what he could guess is his own lips, so he takes out his thumb and tries to wipe it all. Chanhee is stunned for a moment, staying still.

"That's fine. You can meet me later always, right?" Jaehyun hums in a calm way as if they weren't deep into their make-out session just only a matter of seconds ago. He makes sure that the lipstick gets wiped off and Chanhee's makeup would be back into the condition it was before they entered the closet--or what Jaehyun could guess looked like before they had started kissing anyways, he isn't quite a professional makeup artist either.

"Yes! Yes, yes," Chanhee says it quickly before he heads for the door when Jaehyun's thumb is off him. Hand reaching for the handle, Chanhee stops for a moment and says one final thing, "just text me, okay?"

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