Draft 1

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"Hey guys, you know what, my Aunt still has a beach house in the Hamptons, we should leave this afternoon for the weekend," Heidi suggests, looking at the two of us.

The idea of getting the hell out of my stupid, tiny dorm, where every waking moment I am reminded of the fact that the guy I finally realised I am in love with now has a girlfriend seems very appealing right now. I know that he would be going too, but it makes it easier that I'm not couped up in my dorm thinking about it.

"Yeah, that's a great idea," I say almost immediately. I ignore the way Heidi stares at me. She knows what I'm thinking, but that doesn't mean I am going to address it.

"Can Christina come? I know it's a hassle," Ed asks. My heart sinks, no matter how used I am to that green giant inside of me, I will never be able to fully comprehend the reason why he is still with that girl. I guess other than the fact that she is perfect, shares all his interests, and is one of the nicest people I have ever met, there really is no reason.

Oh God.

Heidi's eyes meet mine for a moment before she nods.

"Yeah, of course," she smiles.

"I'm going to go pack," I ignore Heidi and Ed as I stand up from my seat. As if I don't already have enough memories of what happened on this couch last time I sat here with him. If I sit in the presence of all these people any longer, I'm worried I might actually explode.

"Uh yeah, me too," Heidi says, "Meet in the dorm car lot at 3, I'll let the others know," she doesn't waste a moment to chase me out of the apartment and slam the door shut. It's 1:30 now, meaning I have exactly ninety minutes to compose myself for an entire weekend of watching Ed and her, who just happens to be so completely perfect. Damn hormones for making me act like this.

"You okay, Maddie?" Heidi asks, we haven't spoken to each other since we left the apartment, even though we're just a few blocks away from the dorms, it feels like it is taking longer than it should.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say. I'm so not fine. "We need to call the others and let them know," I change the topic and fast as I can. There is no point in dwelling on what can't be changed, and I don't want my sour mood to drag Heidi down anymore than what I already have.

She sighs and pulls out her phone. If I can just stay out of the way of Ed and Christina, this weekend will be fine - just as long as I can actually ignore them considering it is inevitable that I'll see them.

I take my time packing. Jess is in the dorm when I get there, being the opposite to me, she is already packed, and sits at her bed reading while I procrastinate to the ends of the earth. What are the possibilities of this weekend? Maybe Ed will realise how much Christina really is terrible for him, maybe he will decide that he should look into the girl who he originally had a crush on. Granted, he has no idea that I know he actually liked me, but maybe there is a tiny, grain sized chance that he still likes me. Maybe.

"Please tell me you're not packing that dress," Jess rolls her eyes when she sees the item in my hands. It's a simple beach dress; the only thing setting it apart from the rest is the exceptionally low cut.

"What?" I ask in complete innocence that in no way matches my endeavours.

"You're not trying to impress Tyler or Mark, I know who that dress is for and it's not happening, Maddie," I can't help but roll my eyes.

"What if it's not for him," I snap back. It's for him.

"Yeah but it is, you're not wearing that push-up bra either," I feel something unclasp from my back and can't help but groan. "I'm sorry Maddie, but he's got a girlfriend now," she turns around, looking at me apologetically while I scramble around the room, looking for another bra.

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