she can be but she won't

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She observes everything
Yet she will be in mute
She deserves everything
Yet she doesn't wants anything
She conserves everything
Yet she emits good things
She takes all the pain
Yet she gives the happiness
She had every emotion
Yet she maintains a smile
She takes all the negativity
Yet she emits only positivity
She will be always sad
Yet she gives happiness to everyone
She is perfect 
Yet everyone says she can be more perfect
She is enthusiastic
Yet everyone say She can be more enthusiastic
She is perfect for her
Yet She is in mistake for everything
She is diligent
Yet everyone says She can be more diligent
She is a good women
Yet everyone says she can be a good women
She is more than sensitive
Yet everyone says she can be some more sensitive
She makes the world a better place to live
Everyone makes it imperfect
Yet she chooses to live in that imperfect society to make it a better living place
She makes everyone to be in their comfort zone beyond her comfort
She treats everyone equal
Yet everyone says she has partiality
It discourages her it makes her to loose her mind they makes her mentally unstable yet she stands up and continues
To all the women who deserves a big owe
A very happy women's day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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