Part 6

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Jon's POV

I went back to my pizzeria and I was about to go in the front door when.... "Huh. Weird that I'd find you here. Haha" A familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Don. "So you couldn't convince Bryan that it was me? Hmm,... figured. A Jester who is funny, trying to convince a friend of his and failing. Hm, you really are the Jester who cried doppelganger" He said. "You know, that can go the other way. You are a Jester as well and I am your doppelganger" I said. "Yea, but I don't joke around, Jon" Don replied. "Sometimes you do" "Not always, I can convince anyone, you can't, idiot" He said. "Now, I'm off. Have to get a portal timer" He added. "You're working with Glitchtrap, aren't you?" I asked. "Aw. Look who's finally using that idiotic brain of his. Too late tho, you can't do anything to stop me" Don said and he laughed. "See you around, idiot" He added. He laughed, and then walked away. I growled under my breath.

Davis' POV

I was working on Reddy until I heard the front doors open and close. I turned around to see who it was. "Oh, hey Jon. How was your day?" I asked. Jon sighed. "Oh, just great" He said in a sarcastic way, then he walked to his room. "Wait, what's wrong Jon? You're not usually sarcastic" I said. Jon didn't respond, instead, he went into his room and closed his door. "What's wrong with boss man?" Reddy's voice asked behind me. "I.... don't know" I replied. "Reddy. I'm going to figure out what's going on with Jon. Whatever you do, don't bring this up to the other animatronics" I said. "Reddy has his lips sealed" Reddy said. "You don't have lips" "And that is why Reddy cannot keep a secret, but Reddy'll try"

FNAF Pizzeria 6 simulator(With Don)Where stories live. Discover now