How you meet

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You were walking home from your part time job and decided to go to McDonalds for a take out. You were walking up to the counter when a certain boy around your age caught your eye who was working there. You walked up to him and smiled "hello can I get a mcchiken burger with fries please" you asked but the boy just stood there, staring at you. You waited a few more seconds until "o-oh sorry dudette s-sure!" He said loudly, making you let out a small chuckle. He went off to the back and returned with your order. "Thankyou!" "No problem!" The boy said with more confidence this time and gave you a big toothy smile. You were walking out of McDonalds when you noticed a sticky note stuck to your box. It had what looked like a phone number on it, and underneath a name, the same name on the boys name tag - Alfred Jones...

You were off on a ski trip with your parents in Canada. Although you were very excited, you had never actually skied before. You arrived at the lodge you had booked, dropped off your bags and set off to the ski slope. Once you were at the top of the mountain, you started to get very nervous, but decided it wouldn't do you any good just stood there. You took off in your skis but you were very wobbly, and before you knew it, you had hit a rock and was launched into the air , landing face first in the snow. You heard skis coming towards you and looked up to see a boy, also in skis, anxiously looking at you. "Oh m-maple a-are you OK?" He stuttered, helping you up with a gentle smile. " Thankyou, I think I'll be OK." You smiled at him. " Is t-this your first t-time skiing? "Yeah, I don't really know what I'm doing" you chuckled. "W-well I can help you i-if you like?" "Thanks that would be great! Hey, what's your name?" "Oh I-I'm Matthew Williams..."

You were taking your usual early morning walk through the park. You loved all the flowers that grew, especially the sunflowers. You walked over to your favourite patch, stroking the petals of the beautiful sunflowers. Suddenly, a shadow cast over you and you heard someone behind you. "They are very pretty, aren't they?" You turned around to see a tall boy wearing a long coat and scarf with blonde hair. "Oh yes these ones are my favourites." The boy knelt down with you. "They are actually my favourites too" he says to you with a smile. You smiled back "my name's (Y/N), what's yours?" " Ivan Braginsky, but you can call me Ivan, would you like to walk around the flowers with me?" "I would love to!" You and Ivan spent hours just walking through the park together...

It was a Saturday morning and as usual you were on your way to your part time job. You had to take a train to get there, but today it seemed more full than usual. You walked up the train, looking for a seat when you spotted one next to a smart gentleman with blonde hair. "Excuse me, can I sit here?" "Oh yes of course you can love" the boy replied with a strong British accent. You blushed at the word love and thanked him as the train started. "So where are you off to?" He asked politely. "I have a part time job to earn some money. What about you?" " I'm going to a meeting." "Oh, well have fun!" You said. He chuckled at you "well, sometimes the meetings can get a little...out of hand" you laughed at this and he smiled. You and The boy talked about a few random things until you heard a speaker call your stop. "Oh that's my stop" you said reaching for your bag and getting up but before you could leave the boy asked "pardon me love but I forgot to ask what your name was?" "My name's (Y/N), and you?" "Arthur Kirkland" he called behind you as you stepped off the train...

You were walking down the street on your way to a good friends house, when the sky started getting very cloudy and it was getting darker. You then realised that it was going to rain."Should have brought my umbrella" you mumbled to yourself. Suddenly, you felt big drops of rain starting to pour down on your head and soon it was hailing and you were getting soaked. Great. You then heard a voice calling from behind you "mon cher you are getting soaked!" The man called, you could tell he was french from his accent. He jogged up to you carrying an umbrella and sheltered under it with you. "Oh thank you very much!" You said, running your fingers through your now damp hair. "No problem mon cher, I couldn't just leave you out in the rain like this getting drenched." He said with a gentle smile. You then managed to get a proper look at him. Wow, he's so handsome... You noticed you were staring at him and quickly averted your gaze. "I'm Francis Bonnefoy, what is your name?" " (Y/N)." " thats a beautiful name" he said. You blushed "t-thank you" you said. He walked you all the way to your friends house and before he left slipped his phone number into your pocket...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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