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Author's P.O.V

"MOM I don't want to go to freaking summer camp , I rather go to streets and play music than going to a shitty camp" Cheong-San screamed

"Cheong-San , we talked about this no arguments" Cheong-San's mom shouted back


"No buts" she said , Cheong-San scoffed and rolled his eyes

"This is the best for you cheongseongie" Cheong-San's father tried to comfort the younger

"Ugh , this is so annoying" Cheong-San said and went up the stairs while stomping his feet on the way to his bedroom . He had second thoughts , does he want to go to a summer camp or just run away and leave everything


Cheong-San's mom knocked at Cheong-San's bedroom door "Cheong-san honey were leaving at an hour " , "okay mom , now go away" Cheong-San shouted

"Cneong-San looked at the pack bags and pick an outfit for later and ironed it . After he finished , he opened the TV and throw himself at his bed . He opened youtube and searched 'funny videos' to bright up his mood , a little , but guess what it didn't do anything .

30 minutes has passed , he went to the bathroom and brush his teeth,  he took a bath , and wore his clothes that he ironed earlier . Cheong-San had 2 aesthetics of fashion , one is 'Pastel' when he is happy and bright he will wear bright/pastel colors , and when he's feeling down he will wear 'black/gray' clothes . He wore his black t-shirt,  black and white stripped sweater vest topping the shirt , black pants and black shoes , he's wearing black because he's feeling down once again.


"Cheongseongie are you ready" Cheong-San's mom asked with a bright smile to his face . "Yeah sure whatever let's go"

The three of them went outside and head down to their car , he went to the back seat , his dad put his luggage at the back trunk and his mom comfort him.

"You'll be fine there Cheong-San" his mom said , " we're not sure about that " Cheong-San replied . "You might found new friends or even a boyfriend~~" his mom said with a teasing tone , Cheong-San scoffed "mom , what the heck , finding friends is okay but boyfriend , nuh-uh" . "Sure~~" , "What are you two talking about huh" his dad asked in a sarcastic and offended tone , "nothing" Cheong-San's mom chuckled.


They're already at the area where the boats are , the boats are their rides to go to the camp . "BYE Cheongseongie see you in two months" his mom said while sobbing , "did you charge your phone , do you have water , you have food or snacks , you have safety kits , you h-" his father panicked , "dad ill be okay" Cheong-San confronted his dad .

Cheong-San stepped inside the boat , the other new campers did too . Cheong-San bumbed into someone , her books fell , "omg I'm so sorry" Cheong-San tried to help the girl that he bumped with , "i-im okay" the girl replied . Cheong-San offered his hand to the girl to help her stand up . "Cheong-San, Lee Cheong-San " He smiled brightly , "O-Onjo, Nam On-Jo " the girl said . "Wanna be friends" Cheong-San asked On-Jo without hesitation , "sure , why not  , I guess this is a good start for a good time in here at the summer camp" the girl said while laughing softly . "My sister is already at the camp , she came early as always " On-Jo said .

"One thing for you to be my friend" Cheong-San asked while scanning the girl " , "what is it?" On-Jo asked looking confused as hell , "are you homophobic' Cheong-San asked strangely , "eh no , I actually think I'm bi" On-Jo laughed , "congrats bestie" the older said like they knew eachother for a long time .

"Let's go there" On-Jo grabbed the older's hand , they head down at the end of the boat and waved goodbye to their parents out the shore . "BYEEE MOM , BYEEE DAD" they both shouted hoping their parents would hear it , they're parents waved back . They went inside where all the other campers are hanging out as well.

"I really hope we got a good time" Cheong-San sighed , "same , I've heard from my sister that some bullies are there too" On-Jo said sounding defeated . "Don't worry , we will be just fine" Cheong-San smiled and inhale the breeze surrounding their boat

The boat started to move , it's a new journey of their life .

I dont really know how I feel about this chapter , it's kinda short if I would be honest . But I hope u guys enjoyed it , I will write long chapters at the future .

Summer Camp ll Cheong-San x Su-Hyeok ff 18+ (AOUAD)Where stories live. Discover now