Ch.6 Lies

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Few minutes pass by Chica and Freddy small argument. Freddy looks at Mark a little bit worried. "Well Mark you can stay here but inside the ceiling bu-" Mark's eyes smile which means he was happy and relieved he made a roar that all the half-dead security guards came in like an ocean wave. And got inside the ceilings like cockroaches. Bonnie and Foxy went the restroom to throw up of all the horror that they just saw. Freddy on the restroom door just waiting them to come out. "Oh please you guys you're used to this!" Freddy explained. "Nuh uh! This is different than stuffing security guards on suits and popping their eyeballs out of them!" Bonnie complained. " You can see their guts they act like animals! Why!?" Freddy leaned to the door and rolled his eyes. "Their like that because that's the only way they can survive!" Freddy explained again. "Ugh now I be knowin' what happens inside 'o th' suit!" Foxy added. "Don't start with that!" Bonnie squeaked. They got out rubbing their stomachs while Freddy was holding them in the back. Few minutes pass by everyone was at rest that the alarm was false. Freddy and Chica as always cuddling on their favorite spot the show stage. Giggling and laughing of random conversations they had. They stopped and looked at each other Freddy's eyes reflecting Chica. Freddy gave a kiss to Chica on the lips. She smiles and kisses him back. They slowly start to make out. Suddenly in the middle of it Freddy feels some weight on his back. He slowly stops kissing Chica and turns around. It was Bonnie on top of him. Freddy rolled his eyes and looks at him. "What do you want?" Freddy hissed. "I'm bored!" Bonnie whines.
"So? Go play with Foxy an-"
"Foxy's busy."
"Yeah busy." Bonnie replied as he got off of Freddy's back and sat in front of the couple. Freddy and Chica looked at each other confused and then they look back to Bonnie. "Never in my life I expected you to say. 'Foxy's busy.'... I consider that a miracle." Freddy observed. "But I also find that suspicious." He continued. "Why?" Bonnie and Chica asked. "I mean don't you think its weird that Foxy is busy?" Freddy questioned. He stroked his beard thinking of the situation. "Let's go to the pirate cove." Bonnie nods while Chica seemed insecure of this. "Freddy I'm not sure if we should invade his privacy." Chica worried. "It'll be okay your with me." Freddy added with a soft voice. She smiles warmly and grabs Freddy's. They go to the pirate cove where Foxy was. They got there Bonnie and Chica where behind peeking on Freddy's back. Freddy slowly grabs the curtains so Foxy won't notice. Freddy opens the curtains. "Foxy!!!" Freddy shouted when he opened the curtains. Foxy screamed as he was protecting something. "What are you doing?" Freddy asked. "N-nothing!" Foxy stuttered. Freddy sat down and Foxy did a little jump due to Freddy's weight. "Come on tell me." Freddy insisted. Foxy shook his head. "Come on Foxy you can trust me! Was is the kids telling stories about you?" He shook his head again. "Well thar was a jolly story that bin heard from one laddie in th' last parrrty. But that's not th' point!" Foxy started to explain. "Then what is it?" Freddy asked. Foxy looks around nervously and starts stuttering. "Well 'tis just that...I be just thinkin' 'o thin's." Freddy gets up pats on Foxy's shoulder and apologizes then leaves as so as the others. Once they got to show stage Freddy started to think. "He's lying." Freddy muttered. "What!? But Foxy never lies!" Bonnie snapped. "Freddy I know him well he never lies." Bonnie face of fear and confusion on the situation. Freddy looks down thinking confused on why would Foxy will ever lie. "Then that's not the way he acts then why did it sounded like a lie? He's doing it for someone he's lying for someone or something." Freddy turns around to Bonnie. He seemed worried that Freddy may be right.

'He's being used like a PUPPET.'

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