Chapter 1: The Start

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A heavy slience was in the room both me and the boy or rather the man looked around at the figurines in the room. In front of us the head of YG, Mr.Yang was there drinking his coffee as his eye's stared us down. Mino was right beside me hs hands folded behind his back as his dark eye's looked around the room. "Miss.Kim and Mr.Song how are you" Mr.Yang said giving us a smile, Mino spoke up first "Fine sir" his deep voice said. "I'm well" Mr.Yang smiled more "Well your both probably dying to know why I called you in here" He said putting his coffee down.

"We are" Mino spoke up before I could speak "well since it will take a while for Big Bang's comeback I want both of you to make a song" He stated his voice grew more serious.

"A song" I said gasped at him, I was still a trainee and the opportunity to make a song even though it had to be with Mino. I looked over a Mino he gave a small smile but deep inside I knew he was pissed by the way his knuckles tightened. "Just like Hi Suhyun I want you two to debut a new song for the public" He nodded.

"Like on music chart shows" I said to him thinking of finally being on the stage would be great, "Yes there will be some Music Chart show you will attend" Mr.Yang smiled. I also smiled wider then I have smiled in a while. I looked over a Mino again he had a small smile but in his eye's he didn't look very happy.

"When does it have to be done by" Asked Mino he let of a serious arua around him not happy like my arua. "In about two to three months lot's of time, and you have many talented friends in this company that can make you a great song" Mr.Yang said looking at us. "I'll work hard" I said bowing to Mr.Yang "I'm sure you will Mino will give you help so I hope this will futher your training" He said.

We said are goodbye's to Mr.Yang he was all smiles while me and MIno were trying not to look at each other. "Hyeon I really don't want to work with you" Mino said not looking at me "And you think I want to work with you" I said back to him he rolled his eye's, "Your just going to bring this whole thing down" He sighed and I could hear a soft mumble on his lips as we entered the elevator "why couldn't it have been Jennie" He mumbled. (No hard feelings to jennie she so talented I could see her doing a great song with Mino).

I glared at him harder choosing not to give a comment back to Mino. As we walked down the halls it was silent and you could see the hate growing between Mino and I. He was much taller than me thin and lean he walked with a swag in his step just standing by this idoit made me pissed. I didn't know were a sudden dislike came to be but it was very clear he hated me and I hated him.

The elevator ride down was silent and I had to mull over what he said about what he said about me "So when are we going to do this" Asked Mino I ignored him getting off the elevator and heading towards the door to get away from him. Mino just pissed me off from his stupid sliky black hair down to his stupid black Jordans. "Hey answer me" He half yelled "How about you ask Mr.Yang for a change in partners" I yelled back ignoring him more.

"Yah Hyeon" were the last words I could hear from him before I jumped into the car parked the assistant that drove me here didn't question me as he nodded knowing I probably wanted to go back to the YG dance studio across town.

He sped away I looked behind at the YG company, Mino was looking at the car ride away he looked mad as can be his knuckles clenched and his white teeth clenched. There were fan girls and boys outside the buliding as they took pictures of Mino. I thought about Mino I cringed at the thought of working with that self centered jerk.

"I just don't understand why he doesn't like me" I said out loud. "He could feel threatened" the driver said his eye's still on the rode, I stayed slient for the rest of the drive thinking about the problem I had at the moment.

At the dance studio

After that lovely talk with Mino I went to the dance stuido to do some daily practice with the other female trainees. "Why were you late" she asked her hand on her hip. "I had a meeting with Mr.Yang" I said looking down my dark brown hair in my face she was a tall slim dance cherogerper while I was a small 5'4 trainee. She nodded "well you better pick up this dance fast" she said clapping her hands all the other female trainees had a questioning look wanting to hear the story about why Mr.Yang wanted to see Hyeon.

Learning the steps to a new dance wasn't one of my strong points it was the worst points of me it took me a good two hours to perfect the first part of dances we make. All the other girls were perfect but we all had a strong point and a weaker point of being an idol.

"Your done get rest your off tommorow but do go over the dance" the dance cherogerper said waving goodbye to all us. We all sat down some laid down we all were tried from all the dancing. We all took are waters drinking them greedily.

"Hyeon what did Mr.Yang say" Kimmie said rolling over to look at me "well he said me and Mino will have a collaboration and we have to make a song" I looked at the girls there eye's widen in shock. They all smiled "Mino really your so lucky" some of them said while others asked lot's of different questions. "He doesn't like me we fight all the time" you complained at the girls "well to charm him so you guys can get back on track do some nice things" Jun said.

After that all the girls gave you advice of how to charm Mino into liking you so you can deal with him better.

Mino Pov

I watched the car drive away my teeth gritted down on my tougue. My anger almost boiled over when she jumped into the car, not talking to me like an adult.

I went to the car that drove me here "drive me back to the studio" I told him politely. "Yes sir" he said and started to drive across town. Hyeon pissed me off, since the day I met her I didn't like her she always rubbed me the wrong way.

Getting back to the boys made me calmer but they were just laying around. Taehyun was singing softly on his phone while Jinwoo sat next to him. The two Seung. Seunghoon was dancing silently to himself his head phones in while Seungyoon was writing some lyrics down in his notebook.

"Mino how was your meeting with Mr.Yang" Jinwoo asked "it was good but I found out I have to make a song with Hyeon" I said laying on the couch staring at the ceiling. "Why is that bad she'svery kind" Jinwoo replied to me.

"No we hate each other I hate everything about her" I said, "whose Hyeon" asked Taehyun looking away from his phone. "One of the female trainees" Jinwoo said. "There's like fourteen female trainees I can't keep count" Taehyun said. "She's kinda shy but her hair is long and was blond at one point" Seunghoon said taking his headphones out and them wrapping up.

Taehyun licked his lips "No still can't remember her" he said putting his phone down said flicking his hair to the side. "There praticing let's see them" Seunghoon said. "Guys let's not" I said looking over at them but they didn't even hear me because they were already out the door.

Down the hall and take a left was the girls room amd out side of the room was Bobby, Donghyuk, and Hanbin shyly looking into the room. "Look at you guys" Seunghoon said with smile. Bobby blushed 50 shades of red while Habun looked away.

"We justed wanted to see them dance" Donghyuk said "Let's see" Jinwoo said and peeked in "there she's in the back with her hair down" Taehyun looked through the small window "her, she looks very kind" Taehyun said, "She not in tempo with the song though" he added.

"What were you doing here" I asked "Watching the girls" Bobby said a small smile on his face "were just trying to see one of them" I said looking at my rapping buddy Bobby. "Well we have to get back before Jihwan scolds us for being gone to long" Bobby bid his good bye.

"Mino your one of the nicest people here there is no reason dislike her" Seungyoon said shaking his black hair in disproving manner. "Guy you will probably met her soon and I'll show you what's wrong with her" I defend myself. They all gave there whatevers while they all got a turn to see the girls dance continue.

Hope you enjoy thanks for reading my first chapter.

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