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Bree and Chase sat on the couch, discussing their Spanish homework. Leo and Adam observed Mr. Davenport working on an invention that survived the explosion in the lab. He was focused on tightening a screw, not realizing he was about to hit a wire. Soon, he was shocked, making him drop his screwdriver and back up. The boys flinched and distanced themselves. Mr. Davenport's short outcry of pain, made Bree and Chase look up as well.

"Great! Everything in the lab is officially useless, and I don't have enough money to repair it." Out of anger, Mr. Davenport hit the counter and knocked the invention down. He was currently feeling hopeless, not knowing what to do. He wanted to provide for his family but the situation wasn't allowing him to. The man already had immense feelings of guilt, his brother being the one to cause all the chaos and himself not being able to protect the ones he loved.

"I know my mom didn't marry you for your money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing," Leo told his step-father seriously, although it was a poor attempt to ease the mood.

Bree chose this moment to come forward, sitting down at the kitchen counter, "Mr. Davenport, take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here. Of course, it won't make up for living in a basement for sixteen years, but it's a start."

The girl was excited to feel like a normal teenager for once and hoped it could last. She saw no hurry in building a new lab. Adam nodded as well, not seeing any problem with their labless life. Chase, on the other hand, shook his hand and leaned on the counter.

"We don't have time. Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures," Mr. Davenport explained and rounded the counter to stand in front of his kids.

Adam frowned, "Huh?"

"Let me help you," Chase leaned down toward Adam and continued in an exaggerated deep voice, "Capsule good!"

Adam made a sound of understanding and nodded in appreciation. Chase rolled his eyes at his brother. He couldn't believe how stupid he was.

"But I haven't been in my capsule all week, and I feel fine," Bree brought up.

Mr. Davenport sighed, "Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire."

"Do you know when exactly? Because I have a haircut on Tuesday and if I glitch in the chair, I'm just gonna end up like that trainwreck," Adam gestured to Chase, looking back at Mr. Davenport for an answer.

Chase had an offended look on his face, uncrossing his arms once he started talking, "Look, I get it! I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and I have a terrible haircut! What else you got?"

"How long do you have?" Leo and Bree started laughing at Adam's comment, Chase not bothering to answer.

Mr. Davenport broke through the laughter and directed the conversation back to the important topic at hand, "Look, the longer you go without your capsules, the more likely you'll glitch, so don't use your bionics until I can get enough money to rebuild the lab."

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