Chapter 8 planet creator

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(TSROHATU said) hmm now he is gone what to do? Hm oh let go ahead and create a new planet what will it be?? Um Planet X i guess now let create it [create planet] {command} planet name Planet X} completed} [a bright light and he sees a planet] (TSROHATU said wow look like its great i want more alien i guess {command} spawn alien on planet X} (TSROHATU said) ohh now lets see oh what that a sperm or something meh?  (TSROHATU said) now let see {command} flow time year 2050}  [then a massive light that make him accelerate to faster speed so fast that he faint] *he woke up* UGH what happened oh i now what year is it?? 2050? I guess *he stand and walk to the planet* oh now lets control a alien {command} control alien 176} *he got dizzy and faint* *he woke up* UGH i hat being dizzy now lets see what his body is ew green that sucks now lets see *he sees alien stuff* *he jump out of bed and walk to the door and to the exit and left* ohhh what is that building so tall what that flying thing?

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