I was going to my rival town where my girlfriend lives and it was on the day of our reports. She went into her tutors room to discuss the reports. This is when my 30mins of cringing and awkwardness begins...
I was kicking around stones for 5 minutes trying to look as casual as possible. Suddenly, This very serious army civilian asked "do you know where the six formers room is?" Because I'm so awkward I pointed to a completely different room and she replied "Thank you so much you are really helpful..." Oh godI was literary starring at her poking her head though every single window.
After her looking around for me whilst I was hiding in a bush our head teacher comes (by the way I didn't tell my gf this story) asking me "are you lost" and I say "no I'm just waiting for someone" and he replies "behind the bush?" And a awkward silence started "ok just wait patiently"Few...
So I hoped you enjoyed my awkward story thanks for reading