[redacted] file

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Handler #897 File

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Handler #897 File

Name: Lena [redacted] [redacted]

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'6

Languages: English, French, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Romanian, Russian, Latin

Distinguishing Marks: Scar above right knee. Birthmark on left shoulder blade, resembles a plant.

Mission: Keep [redacted] in line. Aid [redacted] in missions. 

Known Associates: [redacted] by HYDRA hand, known to work well with [redacted]

Personality: Defiant, Volatile, Stubborn                                     
Hard to control, but responds to [redacted] [redacted] and [redacted]

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HYDRA Experiment File #7549: 'Project X'Head Of Project: WOLFGANG VON STRUCKER

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HYDRA Experiment File #7549: 'Project X'

After obtaining [redacted] the experiment was able to begin.
Project X was chosen when the [redacted] Handler #897 was assigned to control defected.
Project X will be a failsafe for [redacted] in case of incident or deflection.

First Test

Experiment Title: [redacted] Time: 1500 Date: [redacted] 

Project X was exposed to [redacted] with [redacted] on [redacted] 2014

Obvious signs of resistance, [redacted] caused by [redacted] put the subject in a coma. Will attempt trials again when the subject wakes up.

Preliminary testing shows positive signs of forming abilities.

Eleventh Test
Experiment Title: [redacted] Time: 1800 Date: [redacted]

Project X was again exposed to [redacted] but this time with Atropa Belladonna to test for poison resistance.

After injection [redacted], signs of new abilities were present. 

Experiments: Complete.

Abilities Exhibited: Mind Control, Emotional Manipulation, Ability to Assess and Physically Manifest Fears, as well as the Ability to Manipulate and Create Illusions

Project X  is showing more promise than initially thought. Still remains defiant, and the volatile attitude has only continued, seems protective over [redacted]Will use [redacted] to make Project X more compliant

Project X was compliant after [redacted] was threatened.

Now considered high risk for defection.
Will now be required to have a handler at all times.

Project X now shows resistance to all known herbal poisons.
Project X resisted training with [redacted], was forced into compliance.
Project X continues to show promise of being able to be the failsafe for [redacted].

Project X defected on [redacted].
TERMINATE at the EARLIEST opportunity

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