Art Lessons?

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It was Monday morning and you woke up to the sound of your alarm.

"Mmm...just a few more minutes?" you go to reach for your phone. Just before you hit snooze, you read the time. 10:47?! You quickly rushed to get ready. You got into your uniform and brushed your teeth and hair. You put your shoes on and grabbed your backpack. You rushed out the door and headed to school.

"Hey Y/n! Where've ya been?" you can hear Yatora from behind you. Lunch had just started and you were starving. Not in the mood to talk but...end up looking rude

"Sorry, I woke up late," you replied.

"Wanna hang out with us for lunch?" he asked, pointing at Mori and Ryuji. You nodded feeling more awake at the mention of food. Just then your stomach growled, making Yatora look towards you.

"Didn't have time for breakfast?" he asks, handing you a snack bar. You nodded thanking him as you took the snack bar. least I have something in my system. You guys make your way to the cafeteria.

"Ah dammit! I forgot about your jacket Yatora. Sorry," you apologized slightly muffled from the snack bar in your mouth.

"It's fine! I'll come by later to pick it up no worries," he assures you, smiling softly.

"Oh? So he let you use his jacket Y/n? Bold move for someone new Yaguchi!" Ryuji teases patting Yatora's back.

"Hey! I-it's not like that!" he tries to explain, waving his hands side to side. You slightly blush but still giggle at the situation.

"What are you laughing at?! Shouldn't you be embarrassed too!?" he yells pointing at you.

"What do you expect? It's funny how you react to that!" you say trying not to burst laughing. He huffs in return grabbing some lunch. All three of you eat and talk for the rest of lunch.

—--------------After School—--------

"Y/n! Are you heading home right now?" Yatora asks, walking towards you. You stop walking and nod waiting for him to catch up.

"Can I tag along? So I can get my jacket," he asks as you two continue walking.

"Not at all! And thanks again for the snack bar," you say putting your hands together.

"It's gonna be cold for the rest of the week," he says, rubbing his hands together. You nod and reach for something in your backpack. He looks at what you're pulling out.

Yatora POV

Gloves? She pulls out some gloves and hands them to me.

"Here, now we're even," she says smiling. I thank her for putting them on. warm!

"They're handmade! Can never get better than my gloves!" she says putting some of her own on.

"So, are you trying to advertise them to me?" I ask sarcastically, chuckling. She laughs and shakes her head. The rest of the walk was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence. It's only been a few days but it feels like I'm actually talking to her. Like there isn't some other personality speaking for me. I smile to myself.

"Why are you smiling so much?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"O-oh it's nothing really! Heh...hey do you have any plans tomorrow?" I ask, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Other than homework, not really. Why?" she asked, looking towards me.

"Well...uh may I ask how long you've been doing art?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

"About 4 years now," she responds.

" it okay if tomorrow after you finish with everything, can you give me some lessons or just tips on how to improve my art?" I ask, crossing my fingers.

"'ll be 10 dollars an hour!" she says giggling.


"I'm kidding! Of course I'll help you!" she exclaimed, putting her hands slightly up. I sigh in relief and chuckle a bit.

"Well I guess we're here. I'll go get your jacket," she says, opening her door. A minute later she comes back with my jacket.

"Do you want to do it at your house or mine?" she asked, handing it to me.

"Uh, yours! If you've been doing art for so long you have more art supplies than me right?" I say putting the jacket on. She nods, smiling.

"Observient aren't you? But yeah I do so you can come over whenever you want to start," she tells me giving me a thumbs up. I nod, thanking her and head off to my home. 

Work of Art - Yatora Yaguchi x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now