Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

They all just laughing and playing enjoying there life. But It's happiness only for sometime because tiger is come in India with his full gang

Tiger's Prov

Aww Iam back India to meet you. Tiger is back now just wait and watch for see real storm hahaahaahaa

Tiger's prov end

Tiger laughed by evill smirk

Tiger come in his mension and start doing plan.

Tiger : Do that I tell you

Man : Ok boss

Tiger : first I want to kill that officer who killed my brother. I wil not goona spare him. He wil bear all tortures that they did with my brother. So do that I tell you understand?

Man : Ok boss

Tiger : Now do your work

Man : Ok boss

Then they go and tiger Just giving evill smirk

Now Let's see what happening in our heroin side

Anu talking with Ri and suddenly Avu come and said

Anu : I love you tooo ri

Avu : Aww Romance going on with my jiju right?

Anu : Ri wil talk you later bye

She said and cut the call

Avu : Ohh hello why you cut the callAnu : because  you are listen
our talking?

Anu gairing Avu

Avu : Who tell Iam listening. I Just seeing your romance

Avu laughing  and Anu gairing

Anu : Today Iam not goona spare you

Avu : First chase me. I know you can't able to chase me

She said Start running and Anu start chasing Avu.They are playing chasing game then suddenly Jai come and said

Jai : Hey what happened here? What are you guys doing? Why you are running?

Anu : Bhai Iam chasing Avu whole running

Avu : Yeah but I know she can't able to chase me whole running

Jai just laughing saw there childishness

Jai's prov

I hope you guys wil be happy always. You guys wil got all happiness. No pain come infront of happiness hope so because I know sidyaz always with you. They wil give you happy all the time. Iam also happy because You guys happy I don’t need anything expect Your happiness

Jai's prov end

Then suddenly Ream called Jai and jai picked call and said

Reem : Hiiiii jaii

Jai: Heyy RemmiReem : You forgot me right? You didn’t calling me much now why?

Jai : Nothing Reem. Itn't like that actually I didn’t got thats days.

Reem : Yeah yeah

Jai : Yarr don’t be upset. You know na how much I love you. Today we wil go for date now happy?

Reem : Really? Date?

Jai : Yeah happy now?

Reem : Sooooo much happy. Love you toooooo.

Jai : Love you more bye

Reem : Bye

Jai cut phone and saw Anuneet Standing here and listening his talk

Jai : what you guys doing?

Avu : Nothing we just listening Your and bhabi's talk

Avu smirking

Anu : Yeah and I hears that you guys going for date?

Anu also smirking and jai blushed

Jai : Stop teasing me don't forgot Iam your big brother

Avu : Yeah how wil I forgot that

Anu : That's why we have right to tease you

Avu : Yeah

Avu and Anu laughing. Jai Just run alway

Avu : Bhai run away with blushed

Anu : Yeah. Today did so much fun. Loved to tease bhai

Avu : Yeah loves to tease bhai and you.

Avu said and Run away

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