Day With Friends (Bryan and Devin just friends)

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Requested by RainbowSkys_XD


Bryan screeched, swinging his sword wildly in the digital screen. Flashing red and emanating a hurtful sound everytime his character got hurt. Until finally the screen turned red with the words "You died!" Plastered in the middle along with the words "Respawn" and "Title menu" at the bottom. Faintly seeing Davis doing a victory dance; swinging his sword in the air as he crouched repeatedly.


Bryan cried, covering his face with his hands. Hiding the taint of red on his cheeks from frustration. The mocking laughter of the others along with Davis added on.

"That wasn't fair."

Bryan pouted behind his hands. Making little space between his fingers to eye Discord on the other monitor. Tiny screens filled Discord with the faces of his friends.

"I think that's fair."
Kye forced through her laughs.

"Both of you didn't have armor. That's a fair match."
Kat points out.

"But an iron sword against a wooden one does put some disadvantage."

"Yes Devan, thank you!"

Bryan cried throwing his arms in the air. Finally, someone understood him.

"Nah he just's bad."
Mario laughed on followed by the others. Rolling his eyes he clicked 'Respawn' jumping his character back to life with an empty inventory.

Quickly he ran to his death spot, collecting his sword and bits of bread.

"Does anyone have an axe?"

He asked, punching a jungle tree, watching as small black cracks formed on the pixelated bark.

"Yeah here."

Devan threw the stone axe to the floor, behind Bryan. Picking the tool with a quick 'Thank you' he lumbered the wood from the tree, leaving half to float in the zero gravity game.

Starting a conversation with Devan. They began building a house. Placing the plank wood on the grass with no interest but themselves. Making a rectangular house for the whole club. Bickering among themselves and the others until the whole house was constantly being chopped to make it look 'prettier'. At the end ending with Bryan miraculously obtaining half a stack of TNT and by chance flint and steel, setting ablaze to the house and forming a crater.

Whines and moans were sent his way as the sun set. Slightly panicking to build a house; desperately using different woods, stone, and even dirt. Bones crackled, arrows shots, zombies groaned, and spiders hissed. Fortunately for Bryan's dramatic frustration, Xylo found a cave big enough for the club.

They all ran, entering the cave with arrows all around. Colin and Seek running from a baby zombie. Finally, they sealed the cave with jungle wood planks. Placing torches on the walls and floors. And as a way to pass time they mined their own rooms. Occasionally digging into others and fighting over space.

However; Bryan and Devan stuck together. Mining a big hole for the both of them. They chatted, talking about their day while hearing the screams of Naya in the background being attacked by spiders and begging for help, which they so generously ignored.

Eventually the duo stopped mining. A decent size room for them. Separating the room by half jungle and half oak wood planks as the floor. Leaving the walls as is, they placed their beds in different corners of their side. Placing chests to throw their belongings and trash in without care.

A new day begun, which Richie obnoxiously exclaimed. The day went as before, chopping, mining, hunting, and raiding villages. Overall the group enjoying themselves off camera. Chatting as friends and fooling around like friends.

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