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"where is my room"y/n asked entering their mansion (yoongis and taehyung's room) "no room for you just take a shower in our room and change your clothes"yoongi replies "will I have my own room in the new mansion"y/n asked "no"tae replies simply

"Ughh plese I wanttttt my own roommmmm"y/n started to whine but soon ended because of yoongis glare "hehe I going to take a shower bye"y/n said and quickly left
"When are we gonna start our game"yoongi asked not able to make her his and taehyung's baby

"Tomorrow honey just when we reach the house we can start"tae said smiling"hmm I can't wait she's too cute to handle"Suga said while placing plates and arranging for dinner

"Me too but we have to wait till tomorrow"tae said
When we reach there you can't escape from us babygirl Taehyung and yoongi thought

(Because the mansion which all BTS are gonna live from tomorrow is middle of a forest with high security?

Y/n pov:

Wow their room is so beautiful

Wow their room is so beautiful

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After showering

After showering

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I wear this

It's so cute awww

After that I went downstairs and Suga serving dinner I quickly came and saw its full of vegetables 🤢 ewww

"Suga can I have anything else"I asked hoping that he would give me anything else that this

"Yea sit I will bring a special item for you darling"he said and went to the kitchen
I sat on my seat waiting what he is having for me ,guess it's yummy

"Here you go"he said and gave me MASHED POTATO
"Eat princess"Suga said "but I don't wanna"I wined yoongis eyes turned dark which scared me a little but I just encourage myself

"Be a good girl and eat"he said "I don't wanna"I said closing my arms "ok then be a bad girl I will call dad-taehyung to feed you "he said

"TAEHYUNG"Suga shouted which y/n flinched "yes honey"tae said while putting his shirt button I guess he showered just now

"Can you feed our little girl"yoongi said "yea give me"tae said and took me is his arms

"Yahh WHAT ARE YOU DOING"I shouted but he just spanked my butt very hard

My eyes teary now "don't shout"he said with dominating voice

"It-s paining-g (hiccups)"I said while he sitting in a couch while keeping me stil on his lap "aww if you don't be a badgirl it wouldn't have happened"he said stroking my hair

Author pov

"I-i am-m sorry-y (hiccups)" I said "now be a good girl and eat"tae said while yoongi is being settled himself in the other couch, bring food for her to eat 

Suprisingly y/n didn't say anything just ate her food , taehyung rub her back comfortly

"Now go to sleep"yoongi said
Y/n just follow his orders "aww she is so cute when she is crying"Suga said taehyung chuckles and said "where is the coller I gave you " "wait a minute"he said and go somewhere

"Here"he said returning

After 15 minutes

"Now she would be asleep"tae said "yea"yoongi and following him from behind

They are going to their room
They went inside and saw their baby sleeping peacefully while hugging a pillow

"Give me the coller"tae said "here"Suga said giving the coller

Tae put the coller on her

Y/n lightly started to wake but soon fall asleep,Suga sang a Lullaby for her

Tae and yoongi kissed her forehead wispering"sleep well darling".

(The coller tells where is she and whether her body is healthy or bad ,it's also a shock coller)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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