Chapter 6

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TW:cussing,alcohol use
Your POV
You and Steve have just been hanging out a lot since you had been taking care of him. You guys did small things together like shopping for the tower, going out for ice cream, watching movies, and even just hanging out in his room doing all kinds of things. You couldn't help but notice how big of an effect Steve was starting to have on you. You felt bad if you left his side for more than five minutes. Soon he was all healed but he still had to go through physical therapy so he could get back to where he was before. Those days were the worst you would always be sad when he left and he would be gone for a long time. One day when he left you snuck into his room slipping on his uniform. You walked around his room for a long time before walking up to the mirror posing. "I'm Steve Rogers and I'm sooo dreamy with my perfect smile and blonde hair." You said in a mocking tone. "Is that how I sound?" You jumped quickly looking over. It was Steve standing in the doorway. "Steve you're back early- I can explain.." He just smiled walking towards you. "I came to tell you that I was done with physical therapy and I got us a cake but when you weren't in your room I figured you'd be in the lab but to my surprise, I heard you in here." Your heart was racing and you slowly backed away but Steve kept walking closer backing you into a wall. He put one hand on the wall using the other one to lift your chin. "You're driving me nuts in this outfit sweetheart." You gulped as you saw Steve slowly leaning in. "Steve I-," to be honest you didn't know what to say you just stared at his lips as he got closer. He was so close you could feel his warm breath on your face when you looked up all you saw were his eyes staring right into yours he was making your entire body go wild. "Steve can you hurry-," you both turned to the door to see Tony standing in the doorway. Fuck you both forgot to close the door. "What kind of kinky shit is this?" You quickly pushed Steve away taking off the outfit and storming out the door. "Nothing let's eat cake!" You said before running down the steps.

The avengers threw Steve a mini party it was one of the most fun things you've ever been to you guys played games, talked, drank, watched movies and so much other stuff. You needed some fresh air so you walked outside noticing Steve turning his attention to you but you didn't know he followed you. 'Put your head on my shoulder.' Hearing the music you turned around to see Steve with his hand out you didn't even hesitate once and immediately put your hand in his as he lead you to an empty space. You couldn't believe he remembered how much you loved this song. The dance was amazing he was so gentle and spun you around every once in a while. He out of nowhere pulled you closer smirking a little. "So, you think my smile is perfect?" He said with a small chuckle you buried your face on his chest out of pure embarrassment. "I think everything about you is perfect." You said looking back up to see a light pink spread across his cheeks. You two just stared at each other in silence.
'Put your head on my shoulder
Whisper in my ear, baby
Words I want to hear, tell me
Tell me that you love me too.'
He slowly mouthed the last line and you mouthed the backing vocals. You two stared at each other moving in small circles. "Steve.." Someone cleared their throat and you swear you could've killed whoever it was. You both looked over to see Bruce he was too sweet to kill. "Sorry for interrupting I just was told to tell you guys we were going to play monopoly sorry again." He said quickly walking away. You sighed and looked at him flashing a smile before you let go walking back inside.

After a few more hours everyone decided to end the party there. You and Steve went back to his room while everyone went to their own. You quickly went to the bathroom getting in the shower once you got out you put some shorts and one of Steve's tee shirts on. You then finished the rest of your routine walking out of the bathroom and switching with Steve. You sat on the bed turning on the tv and putting your hair in a bun. You looked over at the nightstand seeing that Steve didn't have up the picture of Peggy it had been moved. You slid to his side of the bed picking up the frame. You could've sworn you felt a tear roll down your face when you saw it was the picture you two took together on one of your fake dates. You heard the door opening so you quickly put it down rolling back to your side of the bed and getting under the cover. Steve dried his hair before sitting on the bed looking at you. "Let's go somewhere." You looked at him raising your eyebrow. "Steve it's almost two am." He looked at you and smiled picking you up. "Oh my god, Steve you're so stubborn." You struggled a little bit before accepting it and giving up.

     Steve had taken you down to the garage sitting you on the back of his motorcycle. "Are you even cleared to drive yet?" He just shrugged putting on a helmet and giving you the other one. You sighed and put on the helmet wrapping your arms around his waist. He looked back at you one more time before driving off. You watched as you guys drove around the city for a while before Steve stopped at a park. He parked the motorcycle taking the helmet off. You took off the helmet taking your hair down.

     You and Steve had been walking in the park for about five minutes in silence when you felt a hand lightly graze yours. You looked down then at Steve who was blushing a little. He looked at you before looking down intertwining your fingers with his. He laid on a patch of grass you following close behind him. He pointed up at the stars with his other hand showing you the perfect view you guys had. "Wow, they're beautiful." You looked over to see Steve already looking at you. "You're beautiful." He used his vacant hand pushing your hair back cupping your face. You gently put your hand on his and you guys stayed like that for who knows long. "We should head back." You nodded and he stood up helping you up. You tried to walk but he just stood there holding your hand. "Steve what's-," he pulled you close to him gently caressing your face before he kissed you. He never kissed you before he would kiss back but you always initiated the kiss. This one was so different it was lustful, passionate, and loving it was driving you nuts. Once you processed what was happening you kissed him back feeling a small smile spread across his lips. On top of that, he made it a French kiss and it went on until you pulled away catching your breath. You looked at his completely red face putting your hands on his chest. "I don't want it to be fake anymore I love you, Steve." You said in a low voice looking down. He lifted your face back up smiling a little. "It was never fake to me I've always loved you Y/N." You smiled and you could've sworn you felt tears fall down your face. He kissed your cheek caressing your face. "Don't cry." You felt him wipe your tears staring at you. "Can I kiss you again?" You slowly nodded and he leaned in.

     You woke up being held down by a strong arm you looked over to see you were in Steve's bed. He had already been up and your eyes met with his. He quickly stole a peck before you could even process what was happening. "Morning sweetheart." He said in a hushed tone and god was his morning voice hot you could feel your heart racing already. "Good morning." You replied kissing his cheek. "I don't want to get up." He said with a whiny voice. "Let's just stay here for a little." You said and he nodded pulling you closer and putting his chin on top of your head.

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