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Siddharth's Outfit👆🏻Siddharth's POV (Before Avneet came)

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Siddharth's Outfit👆🏻
Siddharth's POV (Before Avneet came)

I was working when my door burst open and Jai Faizu, Abhishek, Vaishnavi everyone entered my cabin.

"It's your birthday tomorrow." Abhishek said looking at me.

"Well, practically in 30 mins." Jai said looking at his watch.
"So?"" I asked them raising my brows.
"So what? Avneet is worried sick over there. You aren't answering her calls." Faizu said raising his voice.
He cares a lot for Avneet!

"She keeps me calling all the time. Now should I leave all my work and keep talking to her." I said rolling my eyes.
"Are you listening to yourself? She is your girlfriend. The girl you want to get married to someday. This is how you treat her?" Jai asked.

"Why do I talk to her on phone? I know I will get home and she is going to be there." I said shrugging. Where would she go?
"That is where you are wrong. What if someday she isn't home? Something happens to her and the only person she called to was you. But guess what? You never answered it!" Faizu yelled

"Stop your nonsense, Faizu." I said. "She is used to it. It is been 2 years since we are together. She knows me very well." I said.

"Why are you irritating me?" 1 asked.

"I am not irritating you. I just want to know where the hell does Avneet stand in your life? Don't give me work monkey because everyone of us owns a succesful business. Faizu yelled

"What is your problem, dude?" I asked with irritation clear in my volce.

"My problem is that you don't treat her like she deserves to be treated." Faizu said.

"You know I am not the person who is too lovey dovey. I have all my life planned before me. I planned on taking over this company when I was 25, getting married at 29 and having kids after 2 years"I said

"And, Avneet is a part of this plan? And not your girlfriend?"Faizu asked.

"Yess, she is my girlfriend but what do you expect from me Obviously she is my girlfriend because I planned on getting married by 29,"I said.

"She is the girl I wanted because she doesn't complain about stuff. But she is irritating at times. I mean who calls 10 times a day when I am going to get back at her at home?" I continued

"Because she cares about you."Jai said.

"Did I ask her to? Have I gave her false hopes? She knows how am I. She knows that I am not going to change." I said. Where the hell is all of this going?

"Correction. She thinks you might realise some day and give her the importance she deserves." Vaishnavi said glaring at me.

"You don't love her?" Abhishek asked very calmly.

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