Ch.15) The Talk

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Niall's POV

I lay in my bed, just staring at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand. It was so destruct able, yet so valuable. Constantly I re-read the address over and over again making sure it was real.

Oh it was real alright.

The address was written down on the paper finely, in a mixture of cursive and printing but still so easy to read. I brought the paper close to my heart, cherishing it.

Niall you are so in love...

I am not... I just really like Claire. I am not in love, she is just different than every other girl I've met!

You are, believe it. Plus, you are taking this too far. You barely know the girl!

I know I know. But I feel like I've known her for years. Just holding that piece of paper makes me feel so alive and happy- a feeling that is un-describable.

Okay so maybe I am in love.

I haven't introduced my self to Claire properly yet, but I will soon. The only thing on my mind is that I just hope she feels the same way about me. I have a horrible feeling something bad is about to happen to her... my insides tell me she is in danger.

I need to save her.


I pulled out my phone, looking at the time to see it was just 3 A.M... yet I still am having trouble falling asleep. All of a sudden, a loud thud shook the bus floor, the foot steps getting further away. I opened my bed curtain a bit and peeked outside, seeing a figure in the kitchen... it looked like Louis. I promptly threw my legs over the side of my bunk and stepped down, walking towards the kitchen.

It was Louis, just getting a drink of water. I held the paper close to me, and sat down in front of him.

"Niall whats up? I thought you were asleep." he questioned me, propping his elbows up on the table in between us.

"I can't sleep." I shrugged my shoulders. "What's on your mind?" He asked again.


"Nothing? Really?" He raised one eyebrow. That boy can tell when someone is lying so quickly.

"Okay. I lied. I can't sleep because I've been up all night thinking about something." I confessed. He smiled at me "Want to talk about it?". I stared into his eyes. Can I trust him?

I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket, and place it on the table. He picked it up swiftly, and scanned it, his mouth dropping. "Where did you find this?"

"It was on the stage."

"Niall! This is awesome! You can finally-"

"Shh!" I tried to get him to quiet down. I looked around making sure no one was around. "I don't want anyone to know- yet. I don't think its time."

He sighed, looking down "Alright Niall, it's your choice." I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you! Please don't tell anyone."

He nodded once agreeing. I leaned back into my chair. "So, Louis, what's keeping you up? Anything on your mind?" I winked. He didn't laugh once, and started with "Don't tell anyone."


I listened cautiously to Louis' every word.

"I think Eleanor might be pregnant."

My jaw dropped "What?" But then I paused "How do you know for sure?"

"Well, she said she's been feeling a bit nauseous lately. I'm thinking about taking her to the doc when we reach the next city. This can't get out to the public. Niall, I'm not ready to become a father." He said frustrated, running one hand through his hair "And Eleanor isn't ready to be a mother. I love her so much but its not time!"

I patted Louis' shoulder, trying to comfort him "Don't stress out mate... everything will be fine."

But I wasn't sure of that myself. A question came to my mind. "Have you guys, your know had unprotected-"

He cut me off by nodding slowly. "It was a mistake!"

I started deep into his eyes. "Listen to me, you need sleep. Go rest, try to get it off your mind. I'm sure its a misunderstanding. She will be fine, and so will you." I patted his hand that rested on the table, curled up into a fist. The creases on Louis' forehead disappeared "Thanks mate."

I smiled nodding "Thank you, too."

And I just hope everything works out for me.


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