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Although I urge him to go back to the hotel, so we can start getting ready, Elijah insists for me to go buy a dress

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Although I urge him to go back to the hotel, so we can start getting ready, Elijah insists for me to go buy a dress. "I don't need a dress, though." I argue.

"You said you needed to buy a dress for tonight, so that's what we're doing." His voice is low and uninterested.

"I don't need you to be pissed at me all throughout this trip, because I distracted you from important stuff. Okay? Let's just go back."

Only now do I realise the car has come to a stop, and I watch as Elijah gets out, so I follow.

We're parked by a boutique and before I can catch up with him, he's already walking inside. What is wrong with him?

"My wife needs a dress. Whatever she needs, provide it." I turn around as he talks to the assistant, my eyes quickly glancing to a man at near the window, quickly recognising him as one of the men from this morning.

I look around for an appropriate dress, wanting to be out of here as soon as possible.

I settle on something simple: a black, strapless dress with a slit.

After trying it, I make my way to the register to pay. Again, Elijah pays and finally we can make our way back to the hotel.

This place is massive

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This place is massive. There's about three floors and a basement, there's people flooding in and people stumbling out. Santi clears the path for me, while Daniel stays behind me.

Elijah is in front of of Santi, talking to Kenan, his only trusted adviser.

My heart rate is irrational and as we approach the VIP area, where I immediately spot Oron Gatalas, the leader of the Gatalas Family crime group, it only increases.

Eyes land on us as we advance towards the multiple men. I regret wearing this dress straight away, as multiple pair of eyes land on my exposed thigh. Santi must realize, and moves to cover me.

Although he doesn't look at me, I smile up at him to thank him .

A grin spreads across Oron's face. He's new to this kind of power, and it's evident. No one in his position benefits from showing their emotions, but his are written all over his face. "Elijah Antoni Haze. Wonderful to finally meet the son of the man who tried to kill me." My husband's void expression scans him quickly.

Elijah is slightly taller than Oron, but Oron's father was known to be ruthless, so I want to avoid any major confrontation, in case he takes after him.

Blue and cold eyes turn to look at me. He stares at me, and I feel uncomfortable under his stare, "And this must be your lovely wife. Lilliana Campbell, it's lovely to make your acquaintance." He pulls me into a hug and his hand roam too close to my ass.

Daniel and Santi are quick to step in, pulling out their guns.

Oron laughs and steps back, hands in the air in surrender. "Tell your dogs to step back, Haze. I was just greeting your wife."

I feel dirty, still feeling the lingering of his hands on my body.

"Don't touch her again, Gatalas. Or I'll make sure to kill you with my hands." The amused look on his face falters slightly, but he masks his terror with a look of enjoyment.

Elijah holds out his hand to me, pulls me close to his body and sits on a couch.

Throughout the night my anxiety increases, as I pick at my skin. I so badly want to get a drink, but decide not to. Being drunk in the midst of people who want me dead doesn't seem wise.

"You stole our equipment. You and your father. The Gatalas want it back. All of it." Elijah tsks under his breath. "We didn't take any of your equipment, Gatalas. My family is above that."

"I warned you, Haze. Let's not start a war over equipment that isn't worth up to $1 million."

"Your family can't afford a war, right now. Mine can. Don't do anything stupid," Elijah says. He's losing patience.

The Gatalas lost part of their machinery earlier this year, and because it was a shipment to New York they believe the Haze family has something to do with it. They don't.

There's definitely more than what the Gatalas are letting on - no one has ever threatened a war over something so little. Also, the interception of the machinery was weird: there were multiple containers with more expensive and useful equipment, but they chose the cheapest one.

It doesn't make sense.

"Haze, don't be stupid. Give it back, and this can be over."

For the first time since we've sat down, Elijah's hand moves away from around my waist and I can't help but miss his warmth. His hand appears in front of my face soon after as he offers it, to pull me up.

"Think carefully about your next move, Oron. Don't ruin your family for a misconception. Find the people who did this and deal with them."

We turn around to leave the building, but my elbow is grabbed by Oron, "Be a dutiful wife, and get your husband in check. It would be a shame for you to get yourself killed in the middle of this."

His face is suddenly moved away from mine, as I'm pushed back and into Santi - who catches me, before I can fall to the floor. I look up to see Elijah with a knife at Oron's throat, multiple men surrounding him pointing their guns at my husband.

"Don't you ever threaten my wife's life. Don't come near my family." The scene unfolding in front of me makes me nauseous - all it would take is a slip of the finger and Elijah would be dead, but he doesn't seem to care.

He threatens Oron's life, keeping the blade against his neck, enough to intimidate but not enough to cut.

When he's done, he turns around nonchalantly, ignoring the guns pointed at him. "Let's go." I follow him without protest, because all I want to do is get out of here.

At the door, something happening on the dance floor catches my attention. The beautiful red hair, I've styled on multiple occasions in the past, covers her face lightly, as the man I've thought about every night for eighteen months leans down to kiss her.

I stop. The kiss is passionate and heated.

I don't think he ever kissed me like that. I was with him for more than seven years, and I don't think he's ever kissed me like that.

The kiss finally comes to a halt and the ache in my chest only solidifies, as my thoughts are confirmed.

Across the room, looking at each other like they're in love are Emma and Zak. My best friend and ex boyfriend.

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