Chpt. 1||Villain life

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(Sorry this is short, I wanted to make it longer but my brain blipped halfway trying to write this and every idea to make it longer went away ;-; enjoy tho)

“get up, Y/n. Now! We don't have much time.” you jolted up, pain shooting up and down your body, you looked around you, a puddle of blood underneath you.

“wha-..what... What happened?” you asked and looked up to see AFO, “that's not important. Now, get up.” he said in more of a harsh tone.

“y-yes sir...” you mumbled, trying to get up but failed, you tried a few more times but stumbled and fell each time, AFO was tired of your BS so he just grabbed your arm and dragged you.

“god.. Sometimes you are so useless...” your heart ached at those words, your entire life you've felt like that, you've been trying to own up to not being like that but you've always seemed to fail...

“I'm sorry sir... I don't mean to be, I try I really d—” he suddenly threw you to the ground, “then try harder!... Your mission is to be the detraction. You know what'll happen if you fail so don't.” you nodded as he walked somewhere else.

You looked around your soundings and realized you were in U. A, 'wait... How did we get here..?!' You thought, your whole body aching in pain.

You brushed it off and struggled to get up again, you leaned on the wall and decided to shift into one of the students there. Midoriya. He was known for getting hurt not only from his quirk but from his clumsiness.

You held onto the wall for support and limbed your way to Class 1-A.
You opened the door and everyone looked at you.
“s-sorry I'm late Mr. Aizawa!” you said in Midoriya's voice, Aizawa sighed, “it's fine, Midoriya, just sit down.” he mumbled and continued on.

You dragged yourself to his desk and sat down.

About 20 or so minutes later the real Midoriya walked in, everyone looked confused as ever. They all looked back at you and at the real Midoriya.

“wait what...? If Midoriya is already here that means....” Aizawa said and used his quirk on the real Midoriya.

“you're not Toga... So that means....” one of the students said causing everyone including the real Midoriya to look at you with a look.  “I'm not Toga! I swear! That's probably Toga! Who knows if her quirk advanced or not?!” you said pointing at Midoriya, “that's not possible. No matter what Mr. Aizawa can erase nearly every quirk!” Midoriya turned to Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at you, you looked at him with a gulp, right as he was gonna erase your quirk the alarm went off, signaling trouble.

“every, suits on, now!” Aizawa shouted and everyone got yo but you and Midoriya, they got their suits on and went with Aizawa.

You were left in the classroom with the real  Midoriya...

-498 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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