Chapter Ten

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Dewey's patrol car makes it way down Main Street. It's almost dark and the street is close to being deserted. Dewey's behind the wheel having a heated conversation with Tatum while you and Sidney look out the window, ignoring all of your surroundings. "A party? Mom's gonna kill you. Then me!"

Tatum rolls her eyes. "Don't be so self-righteous. It's just a little blow out - we'll be perfectly safe." You stare out the window. Close signs fill the shop windows. A few people rush to their car, in a hurry to beat curfew which started in about ten-fifteen minutes. 

"God, look at this place, it's The Town That Dreaded Sundown," Sidney says. 

"Hey, I saw that movie. True story, bout' some killer in Texas," Dewey said. You was sick of the specific words: murder, serial killer, killer, Ghostface and psychopath. It made you sick to the core. You tried not to worry about it but it roamed your thoughts. You stared out the window more, endeavouring trough your thoughts to get the words out of your mind. 

"Hey, Sid, Y/N. Just think if they make a movie about you both, who's gonna play you?" Tatum asks.

"Oh, God. I shudder to think," you say.

Dewey comes to a stop, parking the car in front of the police station. He looks at you and Sidney with a brotherly smile. "I see Sidney as a young Meg Ryan myself."

"Thanks, Dewey. But with my luck they'd cast Tori Spelling."

"Y/N, I'm not sure about you. Who'd you think would play as you?" Dewey asks.

"Uh, Reese Witherspoon?" you say. 

"Oo, good choice." You all pile out of the jeep. Dewey heads for the station. "I'll just be a few minutes. Don't go far." Dewey heads to the police station and then you, Sid, and Tatum head for the local supermarket that sits across the street. 

"I-is Billy gonna be there tonight?" Sidney asks. 

"He better not be. I told Stu to keep his mouth shut. I think we can live without Everybody's All American for one night," Tatum scoffs. 

"About that. Billy is coming.. and we date now.." you say.

"Fucking hell, Stu!" Tatum mutters. "I'm happy for you, Y/N," Sidney says, smiling weakly. It's been hard for her and you feel terrible.

You all approach the grocery store. It's small and simple. Sidney and Tatum grab a shopping cart, pushing the cart through two sliding glass doors. A lone checkout lady behind the counter, big and frumpy, looks up from counting money. "You girls gonna have to hurry it up. We're under curfew."

"Two minutes tops," you reply.

You make a bee-line for the junk food section just as the automated doors slides shut behind you three. Ghostface appears, out of nowhere, standing outside, watching your every move but you and the girls don't notice. 


Sheriff Burke's face heats up as Dewey marches in, hurriedly. "Dewey! Where the hell have you been, boy?"

"Keeping me eye on Y/N and Sidney. It's not safe."

"Listen up, Dewey, because it's bad. Real bad. AirComp just faxed us. The calls were listed to Neil Prescott - Sidney's father. He made the calls with his cellular phone. It's confirmed."

Dewey's expression fades. "Couldn't his cellular number have been cloned?"

"There's more. Guess what tomorrow is? The anniversary of his wife's death. It all fits. He's our man," Sheriff Burke said sternly. 

"Have you contacted the bureau?" Dewey asks. 

"They believe he's out of state by now. We'll keep roadblocks and curfew in effect through the night. If he's not picked up by morning, we'll do a house to house."

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