The Fading Moonlight

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Screams of the Norse goddess of war and love, echo throughout the night of a bright full moon. As the time struck 0:00am a new god was born, He wasn't breathing. The Norse god of mischief held his silent baby with tears of fear. The goddess quickly took her baby from the god using her strongest spell to ensure her baby will live. Kissing upon the baby's head within seconds their beautiful cries began to echo in the once quiet room. The Goddess held her baby close crying with tears of happiness that her baby now breathes life once more. This baby was named Zacchaeus Poiesis-Risna Laufeyjarson. The child of Loki and Frenja.

Four years since that day on Zacchaeus' 4th birthday. It was early morning on a breezy spring day. The forest around his home was filled with the sound of birds singing to the rising sun. There was a calming feeling within his home as a sweet aroma filled the air.

"Papa!" yelled Zacchaeus from outside his home quickly running inside bursting the door wide open.

"What is it? Why are you screaming little one?" Loki said, turning to face his son who's now gripping at his pants leg jumping up and down.

"Papa, you promised we would play today! It's my birthday" He cried, rocking back and forth shaking Loki's leg.

"Yes Yes I know and we will play soon but I have to help your mother wi-" Loki started before he was cut off by Frenja.

"Go play with your son, I got the rest from here" Frenja yelled from inside the kitchen.

"You heard mama! Let's go, Papi!" Zacchaeus squealed, pulling on Loki's pants to try and drag him outside. Loki just smiled down at Zacchaeus as he followed his son to their front yard.

"Papi Papi! I want to learn how to fly like you!" He yelled jumping up while flapping his arms as if he had wings.

"You have to wait till you're a bit older before you can use your powers, little one," Loki said, using wind magic to lift his son into the air. Zacchaeus laughed as he began to do flips in the air.

"Eeee Papa look at me! Look at how fast I'm doing" He shouted as it was slightly muffled due to how fast he was spinning.

"I see you, Don't spin too fast or you will get sick" Loki laughed in response as Zacchaeus slowed down hanging his head as he got dizzy.

"See I'm fine papa," He said, sounding as if he was drunk slurring on his words.

"Are you sure little one?" Loki asked moving his son closer to him. Holding Zacchaeus in his arms, rubbing his head softly. He nuzzles his hand giving off a soft purring

"Mhm Papi" he laughs looking up at his father causing him to smile in return. A sudden burst of lightning and thunder erupted in the sky. A thud was heard in front of the two along with a puff of smoke.

"Uncle! You made it" Zacchaeus cheered, reaching his hands out to the brown smoke.

"How's my favorite nephew doing!" Shouted Thor taking Zacchaeus from Loki's arms.

"Good good!" He responded as Thor bounced him in his arms.

"Glad to see you could make it brother," Loki said, placing his hand on his hip.

"Of course, I would make it to his birthday party," Thor said proudly tossing Zacchaeus in the air. "But you look tired brother, everything alright?"

"Yeah raising a kid will keep you up for hours," Loki said very dramatically

"If you ever need a break I'm always here for you brother," Thor said in a worried tone now holding Zacchaeus who's laid his head on his shoulder.

"I know but I love taking care of him," Loki said taking his son from Thor who instantly Hugs his neck tightly refusing to let go of his neck. Loki holds his son close to him as Thor places a hand on his shoulder.

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