"We share a last name"

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Y/n pov~

I awoke early this morning to the sound of screaming. I got up from my bed, got dressed, and sat on the stairs close enough for me to see what was going on.
It looked like I wasn't the only one in the house that heard the screaming because not long after I sat down I saw my brother, Draco. He sat down next to me and gave me a confused look which I returned. Both Draco and I over heard the conversation our parents were having.
"Their just kids." I heard my mother let out, followed with a slight cry.

"I know, he starts hogwarts this week if he gets his letter! But have you forgotten that the Dark Lord wants us to make a decision of the heir?!" My father practically screamed.

What does father mean by that ? The HeIr! I hope I don't have to be the heir. I don't want to take over my arsehole father that I have. I mean he doesn't even care about Draco and I if he does, he cares in a rather rough way.

Draco tapped my shoulder and snapped me to reality.
He took me to his room and we played wizard chess. Of course wizard chess because he's so good at the game, and I SUCK at the game!

"Draco" I spoke softly

"What do you think father meant by heir?" I

Their was an awkward silence. I began to think that he
didn't know what father meant by HeIr. Until-

"I think it's best if you don't know just yet. Maybe when your older I'll tell you." Draco said

It was the next day. My thoughts were cleared from happened last night. I ran down the stairs of Malfoy Manor and almost slid into the wall.
"Y/n dear, can you please get the post?" Mother said

"Hmm, sure" I said in monotone voice

I left to get the post from the manor. When I had all of the letters I saw a letter directed to Draco Malfoy. It read: "Draco Malfoy, Malfoy Manor in the first bedroom". I thought it was oddly specific, I tried to ignore it but then saw the words 'Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry'. When I saw those words I hurried into the Manor and showed my mother. I showed Draco and he had no reaction, like he knew he was going to be accepted. I threw the letter in his room and left.

I thought back to what happened this morning and a tear left my eye. I wish I wasn't a Malfoy or even related! I started to storm back to my room and shut the door. I walked over to my bed and sat up against the wall with a pillow in front of me. I then let the tears roll down my face because of my heartless family. I whispered out loud with pain in my voice"We only share a last name".

Draco pov ~
As I was walking down the hallway I heard noises coming from my sisters room. I was about to knock on the door before I heard soft cries. I felt bad. Sure our father sucks and mother is trying her best ,but whatever happens I want to be there for y/n. I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard y/n whisper something, it was indeed hard to make out what she said. It sounded like 'We only share a last name' or maybe 'We share a name'. Either one made me sad to think about, I soon felt a tear roll down my cheek as I walked back to my room leaving y/n in her own world.

"Ugh, I know I'm her brother and all but I hope she doesn't mean that she doesn't want me as her older brother. Surly she's talking about father!" I ranted to Dobby.

"Master, Dobby thinks you should talk to y/n tomorrow once she's not sad anymore." Dobby said in his iconic third person view.
"Thank you, Dobby I will."

Y/n pov
I threw my pillow out of rage and sadness. My pillow hit a certain box that made me curious. I got off my bed and grabbed the box my pillow had hit. I looked inside and saw a bunch of old books. One book caught my attention, it was called 'Hogwarts A History' . All of these books talked about magic and non-living things you wouldn't find in the 'muggle' world.
"Interesting" I had said to myself.
I guess if Dray is going to Hogwarts for a whole year I can start learning about magic myself. That's probably not a bad idea considering I only have experience with dark magic.
"It's best if I go to bed now."

Author's note: this is my first time writing a story. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Let me know any thing you would like to see as well I'm curious 🧐
Word count: 844
I really hope you like the story so far💙

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