" Magic "

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Y/n pov~
I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I got up to see who it was and it was none other then my brother.
"Good morning n/n." Dray said as he entered my room

"Good morning Dray, is something wrong you never
come in my room?" I asked my brother

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay because I heard what you whispered last night and-"

"You heard..." I said as my voice trailed off.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't talking about me and not wanting me as your brother-"

Before Dray could finish I pulled him in a tight embrace. "Thank you" I said. Draco returned the hug, I swear I could feel him smiling that I wasn't angry at him.

We both headed down stairs to have breakfast. I sat down at the table eating with Draco next to me. Both Draco and I looked at each other when we heard the door slam open. When we saw our mother come through the doors, we both had a confused expression on our face.
"Mum?" I asked with concern

"Are you alright?" Draco asked

"I'm fine kids, just the old crucio nothing more." Our mother said plainly.

Once we started to clean up our mess and were about to head up stairs until mother called out to us both to notify us :
"Kids at noon your father is going to take you to diagonally ally for Draco's first year supplies." Mother informed us.

Once Draco left to wherever he goes. I asked my mother about the books I found in my room. She looked surprised for some unknown reason. She also suggested to me that I could study it over the school year while Dracos gone. Which I was going to do anyway. Then mother mentioned that I could see Aunt Bellatrix for more information on any topic. I liked the sound of the idea ,BUT I don't know where to find aunt Bellatrix.
"Mum those are really good ideas truly but where does Aunt Bella live?" I asked cluelessly.

"She lives near the Manor just deep in the woods in a house."

She then handed me a piece of parchment with an address on it. After all that I decided to head upstairs and get changed into my daily wear. I put on a black dress at knee length,it even had long sleeves! Which made me happy.I then put on black boots that were a little bit over my ankle. I had my hair down to make it simple.

As I looked for my cloak, noon was nearing. I finally found it and put it on before father appeared. Draco was ready and as soon as father got home, we left immediately to diagonally.
We made it to diagonal ally I was more on a free roam because Dray and my father were getting school supplies. So I found my way to the bookshop they had. I was looking for a certain book about potions. Then I saw a girl with brown hair in the corner of the shop. I wanted to say  hello really bad because she looked a bit lonely and I didn't see any signs of possible friends so I walked over to the girl.
"Hello!" I exclaimed
"Oh. Hello their." The girl said

"Are you getting supplys for Hogwarts?" I asked

"I am. How did you know?" She replied

"My brother is getting his supplies as well so I figured you might be."

"What's your name? You seem younger than me." The girl observed

"My names y/n"

"Well it's been nice meeting you, I'm Hermione Granger. Here's my address, please feel free to owl me." Hermione said

"Oh thank you " I replied in awe

I had enough money on me to purchase the book I wanted. When I was leaving the store I then saw Hermione walking around with what looked like 'muggles'. I only assumed they were her parents and left it at that. I never knew Hermione was a 'muggle'. That's interesting for sure.
Later that day in diagonally I saw something about quidditch. Very interesting sport, if I were on the team I'd go for chaser... maybe keeper. I know Draco has dreamt of being a seeker. Reckon you can be a seeker first year I asked myself and answered my own question with 'no'. I saw some older man handing out The Dailey Profit I bought a paper from the man and tried to find my way back where I thought my father and Dray would be. I walked through the crowd, bumping into people here and there. I finally made my way to where you can buy pets. I only thought they'd be here due to the fact they went and got Draco's textbooks first. I looked for a blond kid slightly taller then me, I was very much successful. I found Draco looking at Owls and snakes. I waited outside the shop until I heard my father's voice.
"Y/n come we have everything we need, Let's go home NOW!" Father said


It was the day Draco went to Hogwarts. Meaning I had to go to platform nine and three quarters. When the train began to leave I waved my hand goodbye to Dray. He waved back to Mum and I. I did realize I might actually miss my brother. On the other hand it was time for me to figure out all this magic. The first thing I was going to try and master was Expecto petronm. Or maybe to apperate.
Word Count: 942

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