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Mature Themes and Language

Mature Themes and Language

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all time. And you were about to be able to go see them!? Tickets had been sold out for months, and your best friend Armin was able to snatch the last two. It seemed like a miracle almost.

God did you love that nerdy blonde, thick glasses, usually has an energy drink in hand, never can talk to girls.

Somehow you two became the perfect match, especially when you learned that you both loved a rock band called Attack on Titans.

You had been waiting a couple of months for AOT to come to your city, and the time was finally here!

"Who's the hottest?" You ask the blonde who sipped on his third energy drink that night, as he watched you getting ready.

"Y/N I thought we went over this, obviously it's Eren" Armin stated as he rolled his eyes. Armin didn't care much for how any of them looked, but he knew saying Eren would get a rise out of you.

"ARMIN! We already know Eren is my husband! Pick Connie or Jean or someone, anyone besides Eren" You plead as you turn around with a pout.

"Hahaha! You're like some obsessed teen who's in love with Harry Styles" Armin cringes as he fixed his t-shirt.

You roll your eyes as you turn around and look at your outfit.

"Is this slutty enough? But like... not too slutty where I look like a groupie.. but slutty enough to catch his attention?" You mumble on and on about how you had to look good, you were going to be somewhere in the front.

"God... I'm gonna need another Monster" Armin groaned as he fixed his eyeliner.

"You look fucking hot Y/N... is that enough? Acting as if you're about to fuck the man tonight" Armin mumbled the last part as he slipped his jacket on.

"Oooh shut up, I can't help you don't try and get a girlfriend" Armin scoffed at your insult as he crossed his arm.

"Says the one who's single and begging for a boyfriend" Armin spat as he ran out the front door. You clenched your jaw as you followed him out.

The concert was about to start any moment now, you and Armin up close to the stage. Your heart was beating rapidly. Eren was so gorgeous in music videos and magazine covers, and now to see him in person in a couple of minutes.

"Don't fucking pass out, I'm not catching you" Armin yelled, through the loud crowd. All of a sudden, you hear the notes for Risk, one of your favorite songs.

The lights started flashing on each member, the crowd getting louder and louder. Connie appeared, playing the drums like always. Jean soon appeared as he played the electric guitar.

The crowd was already roaring, fangirls screaming. Eren's name was being called out as the spotlight came onto him.

A large mic stand in front of him as he gripped onto it with one hand and his electric guitar around his shoulder.

You almost passed out... the man looked like a pure god. His leather jacket fitted him so nicely, and his black eyeliner coated his eyes, making the pop of green in his eyes stand out.

His hair flowed with the small wind machine, smoke clouded behind the band. Eren's singing was like pure bliss.

"I will save your life" Eren looked into the crowd and smirked. He looked at all of the pretty girls in his crowd.

Until he saw a girl with s/c skin and h/c hair, that looked absolutely stunning. He kneeled and grabbed your jaw. You lightly gasped as you looked up at him. You were sweating and breathing very heavily. Armin started recording the whole thing.

"I'll try for you... for you" Eren said as he looked directly at you, a smug smirk on his face. Everyone was screaming in jealousy or excitement. He stood up and went back to performing.

"Armin... I- I think I might pass out" You say as you turn towards Armin who was still in shock.

"Holy fuck... I got that on camera!" He yelled as he excitedly clapped. You were too stuck in a trance to even hear what he said.

The three-hour concert was now over and you still couldn't help but get all giddy about what happened. It felt like a fever dream. His warm hand on your jaw, his piercing eyes looking directly at you.

"Y/N... Y/NNNN... Y/N!" Armin yelled, snapping you out of your trance. You turned towards him and tilted your head.

"Our t-Shirts... remember, we're getting them signed" Armin reminds you, which excites you. You had another chance to look at The Eren Yeager.

You two stood in line and waited and waited. Who knew the backstage passes were pretty cheap. You saw the group of groupies around Jean and Connie. Eren was at the table signing countless shirts, merchandise, body parts...

Armin went first and geeked out. He had his shirt signed, a smile on his face as Eren, Connie, and Jean signed his shirt.

"I'm a really big fan! Thank you for signing my shirt" He exclaimed as he moved out the way and waved at all of them.

Eren puffed on his cigarette as he looked up at you. He perked up and smirked. He waited for you to get signed by Connie and Jean first.

"Hey, doesn't she seem like Eren's type?" Connie whispered to Jean as he looked you up and down. Jean chuckled as he looked at Eren and back at you.

"For sure, did you see the way he looked at her, watch" Jean looked over at you going over to Eren's table.

Eren put out his cigarette as he looked at you. He could tell you were obviously nervous.

"Calm down sweetheart, I won't hurt you" He stood up and grabbed the sharpie marker. Opening it with his mouth, he leaned down and wrote his signature on your exposed chest.

Your eyes widened as you wanted to scream. You've truly fallen head over heels for this man.

"What's your name?" He spoke up again, making you come back to your senses. Your hands were slightly trembling.

"Y/N... I love your music, and you're very attractive" You smiled at him as you felt like you were in a trance. Eren found it cute as he watched your nervous antics.

"Unfortunately that's all I have time for sweetie, it was nice meeting you" He waved you off as he placed a hand on your lower back.

You quickly got out the way and went to find Armin. Your life might have been complete, you could die peacefully now.

"Now... let's go home, I'm fucking tired" Armin groaned as he held your hand.

"Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted" you agreed, which led to the two of you going home to spend the night at your house.

𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑨-𝑬𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now