A New Beginning

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He was alone for the longest time.

Having left his only family, even the small amount of kindness was foreign to him. That was the price you paid for the Dark Side, well at least that's what Snoke told him. Snoke gave him tasks and Kylo achieved them. There wasn't much more he needed in his life.

Until Snoke had ordered Kylo to Co-Command the Finalizer with none other than General Hux.

The first time he met the General it was in a meeting with Snoke. Kylo made faces at him behind his mask the whole time. The man was insufferable, had the type of tone that meant business, and he had such a punchable face and the hair, Kylo was distracted by it the whole time. He hated him, and the feeling seemed mutual. Kylo didn't know how long he would last.

Each day it was something new. A report Kylo didn't do, another console Kylo destroyed, the list went on. They both tried to avoid each other as much as possible after that.

Kylo left for missions while Hux stayed on the Finalizer. No one was forcing them to like each other and that was fine by them.

Until one Evening. After one of Kylo's successful missions, Hux had invited him over for Drinks.

"To the Order!"

They both downed them, talked, downed a couple more and one thing led to another.

The morning after, Kylo woke up with a splitting headache and in someone else's bed, that bed being the General's.

Kylo hadn't felt the need to care for so long and now, he honestly didn't know what to do. Thankfully, Hux hadn't completely cussed him out. They talked about it and agreed to have a system (not relationship) of mutual benefit. They would continue whatever this was. Kylo would, in turn stop destroying Consoles and Hux got the stress relief. It was a Win-Win.

Until Kylo started catching feelings.

He wanted to know Hux. Sure, he technically knew every inch of the man but not the man itself.

The First Order General with the Supreme Leader's Apprentice.

Each passing day though he found out a little more about the General. How he would always drink his Caf in the morning, straight from the machine not even bothering to add sugar. Or how his accent would slip when he was either angry or satisfied, or how he would schedule a special slot for sparing time with Phasma.

It just made Kylo fall more deeply in love with the man.

Then FN-2187 defected, the Scavenger sliced his face open, and the remains of Starkiller Base were crumbling with each passing minute while he was dying in the snow.

Hux had saved him though. He had never seen him that scared, chanting over and over again to stay alive, that he would be ok. Maybe his feelings weren't just one sided.

They continued on. High priority mission where Hux had to delegate with other Planets while Kylo was his bodyguard. It seemed with each passing day Hux trusted him a little more. It wasn't until Hux had let Kylo call him by his given name that Kylo felt a shift. That what he felt wasn't just one sided. They in turn agreed to be in a relationship. After that, Snoke was the only thing stopping them.

Killing Snoke was necessary. It was when Snoke had called Hux a 'rabid Cur' that Kylo knew Hux didn't have much time left. Snoke had them both on a string as it was, Kylo just needed help.

Rey had been that help, as much as it pained him to realize. Of course, he tried to turn her in the end though, which led to loosing himself in the Dark Side. Losing himself in the chaos that was his life.

But Hux was there to pick up the pieces. He was there to Command the Finalizer as Kylo's Grand Marshal. It was perfect but Kylo knew there was something missing.

Kylo had gone to Phasma with the idea at first. Not wanting to admit out loud that he wanted her blessing. Hux loved her like a sister, and he knew Phasma would do anything for him.

"It has to be planned, knowing Hux, he won't settle for anything other than perfect. I will help you because he is important to me, but if you mess this up, so help me Maker, you will not live to see another day."

Kylo swallowed his saliva that had apparently formed in his mouth while trying not to show his fear of Phasma.

Kylo and Phasma planned the proposal (with some help from Mitika, Thannson, and Unamo). Everything was planned in a matter of weeks before the Shore Leave Kylo had scheduled them to take. All Hux had to do was say Yes.

They arrived on Naboo together in Kylo's Silencer. He made sure it was only them, which concerned Hux for about two second until Kylo's lips firmly connected with his and now there were more important matters for Hux to think about.

They had walked around the city together, talking with no care in the world. Like if they had one ounce of normal in them.

Kylo led Hux back to a balcony, looking over the large waterfalls and lush Hills. Kylo remembered one night where Hux talked about the oceans of Arkansis, his birth-Planet. Hux seemed infatuated with the view. Kylo took it as an opportunity.

"This is where my grandfather proposed to my grandmother, looking out across the plains."

Hux absently nodded, not even thinking about what Kylo had just said. Hux turned around to see Kylo balanced on one knee, holding out a black band.

There was crying, mostly from Hux. Kylo slid on the ring but before they could do anything else Kylo had told him he had something else.

He had been working on it for almost a year now. Leaving with the Knights on 'missions' to collect the pieces he needed. He had threaded each particle of the Kyber Crystal with the Force, so it didn't matter if Hux was Force sensitive or not, it still protected him.

For some reason that just made Hux more emotional and Kylo laughed, wiping his tears away.

Kylo had then asked Hux if he wanted to get married now. Hux paused and was quiet. Kylo had suddenly started to panic that he said something wrong until Hux kissed him on the lips, bringing his hand up to cup Kylo's face.

"When we win."

Kylo smiled. He honestly couldn't fault Hux for that and he leaned in to connect their lips once more. They would win, Kylo wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey, hope you enjoyed this short little One-Shot. I loved writing this and decided to post it just by itself. I have another book 'The Child that Changed Everything' so go check that out if you like Kylux. This One-Shot is from Chapter 12 part 2, so anyway please go check it out. Love you Kylux Fam.

The First Order General and the Supreme Leader's ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now