chapter 5

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- Y/n pov-

"Kuroo?" I raised an eyebrow while looking at him.

"Yo Harashi-chan," he said as he started to walk towards me.

"Do you need help, Kuroo?" I questioned him.

"No, I come here to give this, the biology quiz competition. Sensei told me to pass it to you." He gave the paper to me and I took it.

"like the hell, I would join this..." I mumbled.

"I heard from the sensei, you're not focusing on her class but you can answer the question perfectly," He added.

'sensei... why you tell about this to another class' I stood up and walked out of the class then he did it too, he walked beside me.

"I'll pass the competition," I sighed.

"I see, you really hate academics too much," Kuroo smirked.


"I thought you have a netball training ?" Kuroo questioned as we went down the stairs together.

"The training cancelled"


As we were walking together towards boys' court, Kuroo and I saw someone was peeking at the court's door. When we got closer to her but she still not aware of our presence.

"Great, I'll join practice against Karasu!" Lev yelled.

Her eyes got widened, "huh? Karasu? a match against Karasu?" she whispered but loud enough for us to hear.

"It'll be a practice match on the last day of the golden week, Yua." Kuroo suddenly spoke to her.

"YIKES," she gasped.

"what do you mean with 'yikes' HUH?" she tried to run after Kuroo ask.

"OI don't run away," Kuroo said.

'am I supposed to be here...' I blinked my eyes as watched the year 3 drama.


"WHAT?! I'm not mad right now." Kuroo sighed. "Cat vs Crow: Battle of the garbage dump. We've heard stories about Karasu."

'hmm, Karasuno why do I think that there is someone I know Is studying there." I thought while hearing their conversation.

"It'll be our first match with them in years. The match also has a girl's opponent It does pique your interest, doesn't it?" Kuroo added.

"But, I've lost face with Hina-chan and Y/n-chan."

My eyes widened as I and Kuroo sighed.

"You--" Kuroo wanted to say something but I cut his word.

"You're too much, don't worry. Both of me and Hina-san are fine. You ditched us for a whole month, you complained about your anxiety panic (;¬_¬) .. but those things don't matter to us," I walked away from her then I stopped but did not turn my body to her "you... if you still love volleyball, that's reason enough to come back." I continue to walk as Kuroo came to walk beside me.

"I'm impressed you can talk a lot Harashi-chan,"

"shut up rooster head,"


-Yua pov-

I rested my body on the rooftop after what Y/n said to me earlier.

'if you still love volleyball, that's reason enough to come back'

I sighed as I remember it then I stood up and decided to peek girls' volleyball court but suddenly..

"ISN'T THAT YUA SENPAI ? YUA-CHAN !" yelled the first year, Momo.

"ah ? eh ? a-I-I-I..." I stuttered.

Suddenly girls' coach saw me "YUA? YOU'RE LATE. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??!? Oh my- sorry I forgot your position, OH- I also forgot you ditched the team hehe, WHAT IS YOUR POSITIONS ANYWAYS?!"

"W-wing spiker.."

"HURRY AND WARM UP !" the coach yelled to me.


after finished the final rounds volleyball in national but we lost. the fight between me and them began.

"I couldn't follow on any of the blocks." said Hina while clenched her fist.

"why ? why aren't you blaming me ? we lost in the final round of the national game just because of me ! No matter how much you followed, if I cant spike and score, it's all for nothing!" I fumed.

"YUA!" the leader shouted to me.

"it's all for nothing?, then why didn't you call for a toss at the end ?" Hina questioned.

Y/n began to talk "S-stop it Hina-san. She always got my toss. She must've been tired."

"Toss to me all you want and I'll never score." I said.

"You don't know that till you spike! it's not your place to give up" Hina added.

end flashbacks.

-third pov-

"Rin-chan, nice serve !" Hina shouted.

"net in" said person 1

"sorry ! cover for me" said person 2

"Yua-san, you do the last!" said the leader to Yua.

Then Yua tried to do the best spike but the ball cant go through the net due to the middle blocker opponent team. Yua got panicked because the ball about to drop but suddenly the libero appeared to dig the ball.

"she saved it !" said person 1

"even if the ball bounces off the wall... I'll keep it in play... so Yua, ask for a toss again!" Hina cheered.


Y/n about to toss the ball to another but quickly she turned her toss to Yua when she heard Yua called her name. Y/n tossed the ball, Yua instantly did the jump highly and spike it hardly. Success.

Y/n smirked "That's my ditched partner. Nice Yua-san, Hina-san."

"ditched partner.. you guys too. Nice toss Y/n-chan. Nice receive Hina-chan," Yua smiled.


The practice still continue and some of first year came from powerful school in Tokyo

-the first year, Momo pov-

'Sugoi ! (amazing !) Y/n-san toss is so cool like she is very cool in volleyball, like mommy sorry mommy ah snncaskacj but in netball she extremely creepy monster like when she got the ball there is no end of shoot.' I sighed and continue thought.

'... if only I had her skill brain and gifted in sports plus everything about her.. ah- no no I can ask Y/n-senpai to teach me. AH MOMO FOCUS THE PRACTICE. But... it would be nice...' I literally in a deep thoughts.

"MOMO-CHAN !!" The leader screamed make me realized but all of a sudden the ball was spiked towards my face.

"WOAHH---" and I fell down to the floor.

Some of the team got panicked and asked me "M-Momo, are-are you okay ??"

"I'm glad you're not die yet," Y/n teased me from a far.

"It's her fault, no matter how you look at it for being and airhead." Niko laughed.

"relax guys" said the coach.

"I'm fine, sorry about that" I exclaimed. 'Y/n-san literally teased me..'

Someone gave me her hand to let me stand up. I looked at the hand's owner and she smiled at me.

"Here, you can stand right ?" Y/n smiled.

'she's really sweet' I hold her hand "thank you Y/n-san"

"mhm" she went for cooling down.

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