Mɪʀɪᴀᴍ x F!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Thanks for requesting, Una_RataCortina! AND MY FRIEND- I appreciate it!




After the whole "Red Panda" incident I having been talking to Miriam as much anymore.. I took out my diary and started to write, "Hello future me! I just wanted to say some things to get off my chest. I have a little crush on this girl named Miriam- no, a HUGE crush on her. I've loved her since 4th grade..she's so pretty and perfect.." I stopped writing, what the hell am I thinking!? I can't be writing thi- "Yo Y/n." I heard a voice say. I quickly closed my note book and looked up seeing Tyler. "U-Uhm..hey Tyler." I said, knowing that he was gonna pick on me or something. "It's literally time to leave Y/n. The bell just rang!" He said angerly. "Jeez..sorry drama queen." I rolled my eyes and stood up from my desk. "I'm not a drama queen, idiot.." He walked out of the classroom huffing in anger. Damn, I guess he doesn't like being called a drama queen heheh. I walked out of the class and to my locker, that's when I saw Miriam talking with her friends. "Hey..Miriam I think someone is staring at you." Priya said, looking at me. All of the girls turned to me. "I- I swear I wasn't staring! I was looking at something else!" I said. Abby laughed so hard, "Y/n has a crushhh!" She yelled, making everyone in the hallway look at me. "No- I don't!" I yelled angerly. Everyone started laughing at me. Miriam gave me an apolitical smile. I glared at Abby and walked to my locker in embarrassment, how could she do this to me!? I blushed hardly and took out thr books for my math class, which is the last class I would want to be at right now. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "What." I plainly said, not turning around. "I'm sorry..Abby is just.. too much sometimes." Miriam nervously chuckled. "It's fine." I said. "No..I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you that much..lots of things have been going on." Miriam apologized. "It's fine.." I turned around and slightly smiled. "Bring it in??" Miriam opened her arms for a hug. I blushed and took the offer. "C'mon, wanna hang out for a little while after school?" She asked, breaking the hug. "Of course!" I fully smiled and snatched my stuff out of my locker and shut it. "Alright, see you then?" She backed up. "See you then!" I laughed and walked into my math class.

(Time Skip)

I was finally out of school. Abby told me that Mei was going to Tyler's birthday party, even though she hated Tyler. Which I was surprised, but she did it to go to 4 Town I guess. I met up with Miriam and went to the park with her, alone. "Sooo..what do ya wanna do?" She asked. "Well, I kind of  have something to tell you.." I nervously said. "Well..what is it?" She sat down on a bench. "Well, I kinda like you..! B-But uhm- i hope im not creepy right now!-" I sighed. She chuckled, "You're not being creepy, I like you too!" She put her arm around me. "Phew, good. D-Does that mean were d-dating now or something??" I asked. "I guess so..!" She laughed and kissed my cheek. I blushed harder. "Oooo~ They're dating nowww~" Tyler said. "Shut the hell up, you're not funny!" I rolled my eyes and layed my head on Miriams shoulder. "Yeah, buzz off!" She growled. "Whatever, I'm telling the whole school about this!" Tyler wheezed as he walked away. I shook my head. "He won't stop messing with me." I frowned. "It's okay Y/n, he'll leave you alone soon don't worry.." She devilishly smiled. I raised my eyebrow and just mouthed the words "Okay."

Sorry this is pretty short and stuff, I'm very lazy and tired right now because I'm working on this at 4:03 in the morning. Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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