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The last few days proved to be very eventful for Jordyn, and the Davenports were the sole reason. After the visit with her parents, she had to pick up some documents for her mother which she handled dutifully. While going over, Bree had stopped her and they exchanged numbers. A few conversations later and she was now driving to school, earlier than usual, meeting up with her and Adam in the school parking lot.

Her newfound friendship with Bree had surprised both girls but they got along swimmingly. They didn't have many common interests but what they did share was an equal curiosity and lack of girl friends. The girls were able to bond over their differences as Adam had previously done with Joe. However, before befriending Bree, Joe had to promise Adam that he would always be her best friend even with his siblings in the picture to which she agreed.

She parked her car, leaning over the center console to grab her backpack. Once she stepped out, she heard her name being called by Adam from the entrance. "Joe! Over here."

Joe followed the voice and found the group all huddled together. What she noticed almost immediately were the sounds of wheels screeching. This led her to grimace, being sensitive to such loud noise. "Hey, guys. What the hell is that?"

"That jerk has been doing doughnuts in the school parking lot all morning," Bree answered, annoyed as the siblings had to endure this all the time waiting for her.

Adam smiled, "Finally, a good reason to come to school."

Joe shook her head with a grin but couldn't retort as Chase already exclaimed, "Guys, look out!" He pushed Leo out of the way, reaching for Joe's arm. However, Adam was faster and had pulled the girl to his chest for her to not get hit by the car which pulled up at the spot she stood not a second ago.

They all exhaled deeply in relief, Joe untangled from her best friend's arms as Chase let Leo go. 

"Boggin nyaff," Jordyn mumbled, dusting off her backpack.

What the group didn't expect was the principal struggle to fit through that car window to get out. The honk went off twice as she wiggled in her seat before she finally gave up and opened the door to exit. Perry slammed the door and nonchalantly spun to the teens, "What's up?"

Leo gathered all his courage and walked up to her, "What are you doing?"

"Pushin' the envelope on this little baby's rollover specs."

Joe cringed at the answer and hid her head in Adam's arm while Bree patted her back. "I hate everything about this scene," she murmured so only they could hear.

"How did you afford this?" Adam asked what everyone thought.

"Your daddy gave me my first payment for keeping your little bionic secret," Perry shrugged not even questioning Jordyn's presence.

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