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She could hear it breathing. It was faint, but yet close enough to make her enormously uncomfortable. It had broken out of the gate. And it was downstairs right next to the kitchen. She wasn't trained at this. Not at all - not even a tiny bit. Alicia was about to scream for her Father, Trevor. Immediately before making the attempt to scream for help, she remembered that he's out to:"deal with someone."
They had an argument about the Portal earlier and now it seemed, almost ironic, remembering that she had told him she wished she :"would've died with mom"back then. Suddenly her thoughts became more clear with "it" becoming more louder.
"How did it break out of the gate?" It was impossible for them to leave the portal - Alicia was convinced.
She couldn't move, its breathing had turned into agonizing shrieks. The tone of its voice was nothing she had ever heard before. It wouldn't stop for a minute which to Alicia felt like hours - and then just like that, it finally did. She came from under her bed.
Moving in almost slow-motion whilst shaking and at the same time, making her way towards the door.
She gently pressed an ear against the door, not making a single sound. Nothing. No breathing no screaming, just absolute silence. "It can't be over." just as she finished her thought, there was a voice again. The voice of someone familiar."Alicia, honey its me!" Alicia's heart started beating so fast, that she almost lost her consciousness. She backed away from the door.
It was her mom's voice.
The voice of her mom, who had passed away in a tragic accident when Alicia had been much younger.
"It is trying it's best to trick me,  it is just like in the book." She remembered the phrase of the Book, she had found in the attic a few weeks earlier. The Seronom. An ancient Book that holds spells and knowledge about the fallen ones. In it, was a sentence which was in old Laronyum, a language only the gatekeepers understood. It was written, that a fallen one, would always try to find out where it's prey was hiding by shapeshifting into something or someone they loved.
In the Seronom, it was also stated that not many lived to see another day, after an encounter with a fallen one. Alicia knew she couldn't fight right now.
She hadn't been trained enough. She hadn't been trained at all.Her father, Trevor a man, short of words, didn't allow Alicia to become a gatekeeper. He had been against it, before she even knew about it. And even if he allowed it, there had been only a handful female gatekeepers - most of them died in the process of becoming one, no matter if boy or girl.
"The window." Alicia said to herself. "The window is my only escape from this." Alicia was on the second floor of her dad's Home. A fall from her window would likely break her legs, but it would still be a better fate than an encounter with a fallen one. Alicia's thoughts became clearer. "I need to jump." She knew it would hurt a lot but she didn't want to die, not today. She took a deep breath and looked down on the dark grass. The wind was blowing mildly.
"If I land without screaming, I'll eventually make it."
"It" started destroying absolutely everything downstairs, it was furious because Alicia didn't gave in at all. It needed the trust, it was a key factor for their survival and even it knew, that it wouldn't last very long without it. Alicia jumped.


Alicia was a chaotic person, she had suffered greatly from the loss of her mom and it had affected her daily life ever since. It was the little things, like getting up early enough to catch the bus for school. Her almost constant negative thoughts were maling her forget about her priorities.
Her dad, trevor, never talked about her moms death. He had been suffering just as much, trying to hide it behind the fact that he was always working.
Avoiding his daughter as much as he could, but at the same time he loving her with all of his heart.
Alicia's older Brother Dean though had ran away shortly after his mother's passing. She never got an explanation for that.
"He lives somewhere in the south." - Trevor once told her, without telling her, how he found out.
She didn't bother to ask.
The two once had a great bonding, but it had been broken.
Alicia was also deeply hurt when she realized that Dean left them like that. In their worst moments, her older brother was not there for her.
Alicia was 7 back then and Dean around 14.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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