Part 84

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Nandini was trying to cover Manik's eyes with her palm. They were unavailable with a blinfold right now and so this was the only way. Manik was observing how it was difficult for her to walk if she would cover his eyes.

"Stop, you would hurt yourself" said Manik holding her hands in his as he closed his eyes voluntarily while Nandini smiled at him.

"Just lead me okay" said Manik

"No, I am gonna push you into the water" snapped Nandini

"You can , I won't mind but I know you won't. You could just be so much better at your jokes Nandini" said Manik stepping forward as Nandini led him.

"Yeah yeah I know, my humor has just been going down with you around. You are rubbing off on me" said Nandini giggling

"Blah" retorted Manik .

In all this banter, Nandini stepped her foot on a stone that came her way and she slipped 

"Ouchhhh" squealed Nandini in reflex but not really had she hurt herself. Manik had held her in  time. Even when his eyes were closed and even when his eyes are closed, he just did it in reflex. Maybe this is what they call being in love. You tend to know the state of the other without words, or sight. You just feel it.

"Are you okayy?" asked Manik while Nandini just smiled

"How did you know I slipped?" asked Nandini

"I felt it, Nandini I asked are you okay?" asked Manik with his eyes closed

"Why are you talking with your eyes closed?" asked Nandini

"What do you want me to do? Ruin your surprise phir you will sit grumpy all the time" said Manik making her stand but not leaving her hand.

"I am okay and now come" said Nandini dragging her forward

"Careful I am not holding you again" said Manik authoritatively

"You will , even if I fall for the 100th time here, you will" said Nandini genuinely. The statement brought a little smile on Manik's face. Obviously he knw, Nandini trusted him as much as he trusted her but acknowledging in words felt different.

"Open your eyes now Manik" said Nandini bringing him out of his thoughts. He nodded and slowly opened his eyes as the beautiful sight welcomed him.

"Are we literally in a forest right now?" exclaimed Manik looking around him. All that he saw was forest around and them standing on a wooden platform and a road infront of them from where they came assumingly.

"Yesss" said Nandini looking around

"Are you for real? " questioned Manik as he pulled her to himself. Nandini nodded her head in a frantic Yes

"Real and yours" said Nandini . Manik left out a chuckle not only at her words but also his wife, the unique one. He could not have imagined them in a forest for a date ever. He  tightened his hold around her waist smiling at her . 

"You know what it means?" asked Nandini putting her hands around his chest as he raised his eyebrows  for an answer

"That a leopard or a lion can always hop on to us if they feel hungry" said Nandini .

"Yeahh? but we will eat them instead. How's the plan?" asked Manik, joking as he saw Nandini looking at him with a tight lipped smile.

"Perfect, okay but on a serious note, we need to leave before the alloted time varna we will actually have lions and tigers as uninvited guests" said Nandini pushing Manik towards the table as the two sat. 

"Come closer" said Manik dragging the chair towards himself .

Nandini served food for the two of them while Manik was just looking at her intensely.Nandini looked at him and seeing him not budge to have his food, she herself forwarded her hand which had the white sauce pasta for him to eat which he did . The dinner continue din this comfortable silence when Manik finally voiced out what he was waiting for her to say.

"I know you do nothing meaninglessly Nandini. Why did you choose this place?" asked Manik wiping the pinge of sauce that the corner of her lips held while she just smiled slightly

"You know the reason Manik" said Nandini getting up from her place and sitting on Manik's lap as he held her securely 

"Because.." Nandini was about to say it when Manik continued ,interuppting her.

"Because when we realized we were very sure about each other and that we wanted each other for life, we were in a forest" said Manik. Obviously he knew. How could he forget what the Dehradun trip had done for them. It was for Naira and Kartik's wedding that they went there and that whole phase brought the happiness that they are enjoying today in their lives. Nandini meekly nodded at him

"Whenever I think about those days Manik, I just feel that our marriage is so different than most of the arranged marriages. We were not really unknown to each other and nor were our families.  The support and understanding between families was always there. Do you think this made things easy for us" asked Nandini. Though Manik was confused about how and why suddenly was she thinking on  that page, about why there marriage was different from others but nevertheless, he  chose to answer.

"No Nandini. Both of us believe in one thing that is does not matter what the equations between families are, it can never affect the feelings that two people hold for each other. Right?" Nandini nodded her head in a yes as he continued " So even if our families would not have been close since the beginning,I still would have fallen in love with you irrespective of the families " said Manik fixing her strands beside her ear.

"Yeh but you know most of the times, people tend to realize their love after years in a marriage but we did it in a short span of time. Does that make us privileged?" asked Nandini putting her head on his chest as he placed a kiss on top of her head. He was sure something was bothering her and she was confused with a certain things. She was trying to find  her answers through him.

"I don't know who has said what to you but all I know is, there are no privileges in love. Realizing love early does not make you advantaged and realizing it late does not make you disadvantaged. All I know is that I am happy I confessed it to you as soon as I felt it , you are happy and we are happy. That's all that matters." said Manik with a smile on his face which made Nandini smile too

"And I would also like to know why all of these absurd thoughts kicked in suddenly but later" said Manik pulling her more to himself with no space between  them at all.

"I love you" said Nandini moving her hands up his nape initiating the kiss . Manik held her securely with his hands in her long open air. Their lips met and it again felt as a first.

Manik was as dominating as he could be and surprisingly, Nandini was no less. He let go of Nandini when the heard a small electric bell that rang on the table.

"Time to go Manik, it's gonna be dark,not safe anymore" said Nandini as Manik registered her words

"Thankyou, this was the best date we could have ever had trust me. You know what you mean to be Nandini, I love you" said Manik resting her forehead on hers .

 You know what you mean to be Nandini, I love you" said Manik resting her forehead on hers

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