3 Lupo me this Lupo me that

414 5 1

"Nice to meet you too?"

After a long misconception of me explaining to Sora that i didn't mean mates as in lovers but friends Lappland and Texas decided to keep an eye on me.

"So! Doctor, right?" The Lupo put her arm around me still holding that frightful grin "Its y/n"


Usually, people don't creep me out, but she was starting to "Not to be rude or anything but may you please remove your arm?" Something about this didn't seem right.

She glared at me with no expression that joyful expression she once held turned serious

"Ah! My bad you're just a very comfortable arm rest"


"It's okay no harm done" Where the hell was Mostima when you need her? I get I'm with these guys but that Blue Devil sure knows how to be useful when she wants to.

"y/n where is the class you came from?"
Texas opened the door standing by it waiting for my answer, i almost forgot she was a part of council. "I more or so got lost looking for my next class" the Lupo observed me then sighed "then let's go I'll walk you".

We walked out the hallway having Lappland follow us, not that I minded. "I think this is it right here" before I knew it the bell ranged indicating the class had just come to an end

"Welp at least I know history" I just laughed nervously. I could tell she was growing impatient "its fine i can walk there on my own" as i was observing her i could see a device inside her ear, but for some reason i dared not to ask her.

"I'll take her for you Texas!" The other Luppo stepped in putting her hands on my shoulders pushing me along away from Texas to my history class.

Stopping in front of the door i now see the problem. "Wait what's your name again?" she perks into my ear "y/n" I nearly punched her out of recoil. Lappland just rustled my hair "I wonder if Texas could do this." she briskly walks away from me as if nothing had ever happened. one thing for sure "She says her name a lot huh?" Taken back i look to see the one and only Blue Devil

"Mostima!" she just looks at me with glee "Missed me?" she approaches me from wherever she came from. I attempted to punch the Blue Devil but she blocked it when my fist was caught in her own palm "Now, Now that's not how you do an internship for Rhodes now is it?" "Thats!-" I sigh in defeat "Thats the spirit" she never stops smiling does she?

"So did you find anything out?" i check my Surroundings first to see if anyone is listening before answering Mostima's question "Aside from the fact that they are intimidating, not really" i pull my hand back away from hers

"Honestly, why is my job to keep an eye on them?" I looked at the person that was suppose to be my partner in this whole operation "well those two are very unpredictable but im sure Dr Kal'tsit must have a lot of faith in you if shes having you watch over those dogs in a barn"

"eh? Dogs in a barn?" It was an odd nickname to give the both of them but i guess it couldn't hurt to think of it that way.

>>timeskip to lunch bc im not going through the motions of every single class you guys have<<<

I walked around the cafeteria seeing what they had to offer that's when i remembered what Mostima said about Lappland. "Lunch can wait" i turned around walking to the the staircase checking if it was the right one leading to the roof. And it was, i walked up the steps finding my destination.

When i opened the door i was met with a swift breeze flowing through my hair, the beauty of the world below me.
"Its so.. pretty"

"Texas! Is that you?"

A person jumped down behind me, i swiftly turned around and saw Lappland.

"Oh~? Its just you little lamb~"

I shrieked startled and slapped her "What the fuck!" but she just laughed in return "your tiny weak little hands hit hard little lamb~" and to think i just wanted a normal conversation "Lappland right? What are you doing here all alone?" She stopped her maniacal look she was giving me and turned away "i come here to be alone, sometimes Texas visits me from time to time" i was a bit confused that's when i noticed she had Orignium shards on her body

"your infected-"

"Hm~ are you scared of me just because im infected little Doctor~?"

"No.. I wanna save you" lost in my own head i realized what i just said, Lappland now had a surprised look on her face like she was stunned. "Ah- No- I Mean!"

"Its very cute you think you can save me but finding a cure is impossible"

"What makes you say that? It could be possible, you never know Lappland"

Her tail started to wag slightly, just slightly but it was enough to make me wonder if its easier to get closer to her rather than with Texas.

"Lappland are you and Texas best friends?"

"Huh? Why?"

For some reason she became scarier, her tail dropped completely while she looked at me intensely.

"Why do you want to know? What are you planning with Texas?"

I took my chances "because Lappy is so cool! That even Texas hangs out with Lappy so i was wondering if you two were really close"

Lappland humored me i could tell with her laugh that made her sound like a dying Covid 19 patient.

"Well then little lamb" she ruffled my hair up catching me off my guard "h-hey!"

"I believe she will look your way as well, me however my chances are slim to none because Texas fears me"

I looked up at the Lupo seeing her sad hurtful eyes while she kept her smile.

"Lappland... Texas doesn't Hate you"

Thats when the doors opened revealing the other Lupo she had a sharp Glare and it was directed to me as she saw the scene of Lapplands hand still on my head while i was paused in my motion to hug her

"y/n, Lappland what's going on here?"

"Texian?" They both looked at me, saying such a odd nickname.

Lappland just bursted out laughing, she had to step away from me, she was clutching her stomach trying to get a hold of herself.

"y/n no one ever bothers Lappland so why are you? You should know shes dangerous"

That boiled my blood how dare she "what?" I walked up to her and grabbed her shirt collar leaning her face towards mine "How dare you? Shes your friend isn't she? Do you just say that to everyone who tries to be friends with her? I'm amazed at ho-" before i knew it she grabbed my wrist twisting "A-Ah!" I lost my grip on her "you don't even know half of her story so don't assume i never cared about her by ruining her life when i know her limits and the safety of others are important" "A-Ah! Texas Texas!" It became more painful when her grip tightened, with my other hand i pleadingly grabbed her other arm as an attempt to surrender in defeat.

WOLVES PREY [Lappland and Texas x Fem Doctor] (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now