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As my warm body woken and sat up my vision went blurry "grandma?" My voice echoed I stood up and stumbled around "yes" I hear a voice say. That voice doesn't sound too familiar. I go outside and walk in the street looking around when I see a white light and a horn honking.

I jumped awake drenched in my own sweat gasping for air. "What was that?" I say to myself I get up and walk to the kitchen "goodmorning sweet pea" I sit on the island chair. "Didnt I ask you to stop calling me that? I'm not a little kid anymore grandma" a exaggerated sigh left my mouth "I know but your still a little baby to me" "a little baby with boobs" she said chuckling I laughed with her "what do you want for breakfast" she said looking at me with her hands on the island "I might get something on the way to school" I said getting up and walking towards my room "that stuff isn't good for you Y/N and you know that" I close my door and begin to get dressed. Sweats as usual, I don't feel like putting up the effort of looking nice. The boys are ugly and the girls give me deathly glances. I'd rather not deal with that. I grab my car keys and head out the door.

As I'm driving my favorite song comes on the radio. I start singing along to it and the cars passing keep looking at me like I'm crazy. "Damn old heads, they don't know how to have fun." I chuckled at the thought and pull into the schools parking lot. I see a familiar car Mr. Johnson.. and just then I remembered what happened yesterday and how embarrassing that was. I sit in my car for a little when I hear a knock at my window. I jump out of my daze and look at my window and it's none other then Mr. Johnson I scoff and roll my eyes. "Y/N please listen to me I'm sorry for what happened." He said placing his hand on the window. I just turned my music up louder and sooner or later he walked away. He did look sad when he walked away. "Man I kinda feel bad now"

I take my keys out the car and grab my stuff. Good thing I don't have his class today. I start walking into the school and into my class for today.

I began taking notes and ended up giving myself a pretty good paper cut and I wince  loudly. The whole class looked back at me and in embarrassment I said "I'm sorry, it's nothing" the teacher rolled her eyes and went back to teaching. Great another reason for her to absolutely hate me. I don't even know why she hates me. I doze off.

The bell rings
"Y/N can you stay for a little"  Mrs. Rodrigo said shuffling up her papers. I grab my stuff and make my way down to her just as the last student left the classroom. "Yes?" I said looking at her "Your performance in my class is dropping. I don't know what is going on in your personal life or between you and Mr. Johnson.." and just like that she went muffled. So that is why she doesn't like me, she likes mr. Johnson. But doesn't she have a husband? So many questions going through my head. I just walked away from her and all I could hear was a muffled "where do you think your going you stupid little slut" and I snapped.

I blacked out so I don't remember much that happened but I do remember sitting in the office with an ice pack on my hand and the principal asking me what happened. I don't know I don't remember why does he sound angry with me what did I do what happened "Y/N" he said calmly and I was placed back into reality "what happened" I looked into his eyes "I don't fully remember.. but I do remember Mrs. Rodrigo verbally harassing me and accusing me of sexual relationship with another teacher which isn't true." He looked at me with concern "Mrs. Rodrigo will be getting fired. This isn't the first time something like this happened. But it is the first a student laid their hands on her. You broke her tooth Y/N. You better hope that woman doesn't press charges." "Isn't there cameras in every classroom? Couldn't we just get the footage?" I changed my sitting position "we could but the cameras don't have audio." He said clicking on his computer "let me try and get the footage." I sat there for what felt like forever.

"Found it." He said it's been 5 minutes of complete silence. He turns his computer over to me so I can watch. And in blurry camera focus I rewatched as Mrs. Rodrigo verbally abused me. If she did press charges there is proof she enforced it. I wouldn't be let off Scott free but you can see violent body language in Mrs. Rodrigo.  "Thank you that is all I like to see." I said getting up and walking out his office and to my car.

I wish today would end. I start driving home. Once I arrive home I lay in my bed and my phone starts going off. I check and sigh Mark made another Instagram account and is texting me again (Mark is Y/N's toxic ex that is begging for her back) I look at it and block that account too and sigh. I heard my dad come in "I'm home" he said putting his keys and jacket up "how was work" I yelled from my room "good kind of busy" oh so that's why he was late "did you eat" he said "yeah, I'm gonna take a nap now" I said getting comfortable

In my dream there was a handsome boy his face was blurry but you could tell he was handsome but we were in a dark place and he had a sinister look about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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