Amir's POV;

I had just finished wrapping his stomach in bandages and sewing him up. I took a step back, and looked at him. His face looked... scared, and sad. Unlike his usual stuck up attitude. Then, without warning, his eyes shot open and he screamed. I jumped backwards knocking some things off my desk.

"OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MAN." I blurted out, genuinely getting a little freaked out.

He was crying. But it was worse this time. I took a deep breath, and walked back over to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder before hugging him again, not a tight hug but not very loose either. I didn't want to hurt the guy.

He continued crying, I don't know if he even noticed this "scum" was touching him again. But, I began talking, trying my best to be a comfort. Why, you may ask? I don't know. He's the first person I've actually tried to comfort.

"Hey-hey its okay, you're safe, I'm here. Calm I-calm, down, I mean.You're okay now, I know it may not seem like it but it is, shhh you're okay."

I spoke with a slight shake to my voice, I didn't know if I was doing a terrible job, which usually I can. At least- when I'm actually working. But I wanted to help him.

Bomb's pov:

Everything around me mashed together, "I'm not worthless, I'm better, fuck you fuck you fuck" Was all i could spew out. I repeated it over and over as i squeezed my eyes shut. I could hear Amir whispering to me, why was he this close to me? can't people fuck off. I can be better than everyone in the room if no one is in it. of course i didn't know i said that aloud.

suddenly i snapped back to reality and opened my eyes again, "Forget i said that last part! And everything else! I'm fine" I yelled, crossing my arms. why do i act like this? I never needed help. please help me. Go away. stay here.

Everything is so confusing, I brought my knees up to my chest and did the only thing that felt right. i sobbed, really hard.

Amir's POV;

"Well too bad I ain't leavin." I said, a slight strain to my voice as I spoke. I was trying to be less serious but me being strict and/or serious is just a part of who I am, and who I have to be. If I wasn't I would get no work done, but In a situation like this, that didn't matter to me for some reason.

I hugged him again, carefully. Again not trying to hurt the man, he was already in enough pain. Did I mention how I'm going to smell like strawberries by the end of this? I mean, I'm not complaining, it's better than smelling like car oil.

I began speaking again in a low, not so stern voice. "Hey, short shit. Calm down, you're okay, everything's okay. I'm here to help you. I want to help you. I'm assuming you had a nightmare, do you want to talk about what it was about?" Like I said, my voice wasn't as stern anymore, and concern riddled it.

Bomb's pov:

He's right, everything is fine. it's fine. I'm greater than my dreams. "I.. Can't talk about it. Because it's dumb and it does not matter." I said, straightening out my voice. One thng is, I've learned how to sound completely fine after crying, It was a must in my household. I can't shake it.

I just looked at Amir with a blank expression, "I feel like punching something, but I don't want you to waste any more time fixing me up." I said, looking down at my hands, I have been clenching my hands so hard without realizing it, but now my knuckles are white.

"Thank you, for this." I muttered dryly, I looked blank, I felt blank. If i looked sad, I looked dumb. So now if i look blank, I look better.

Amir's POV;

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