Here There Be Smut

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It's been a month since the triplet's birthday, and every day gets better and better. Right now, Mirabel, Pepa and I are watching Camilo, who just had his sixteenth birthday, and Riley walk through the market. Over the last few weeks, they've been growing closer, and Camilo even asked me for my blessing to ask Riley if he can date her. To which I gave him while almost death hugging him. This outing is when he's going to ask her.

"Oh boy, he's going for the flower vendor. Get the right ones, my dude!" I whisper. We watch him get her a rose and he sticks it in her hair. I pump my fist, knowing he's getting all the brownie points. As they move on, Mirabel sighs in happiness.

"Those two are coming along a lot faster than you and Tío Bruno did!" She giggles. I look at her in confusion, and she gives me a sarcastic look as she asks, "Did you really think you were just super clumsy in town with Bruno, but not at home? Dolores and I made that happen." Things click and I vow to get revenge on her. We turn back to see Camilo trying to get jewelry for Riley, but she's politely declining it. We manage to sneak closer so we can hear them.

"C-Camilo! I don't like jewelry! Please don't waste your money like that!" Riley declares, her knees shaking. I'm so proud of her for standing up for herself despite her fear.

"I just want to treat you like the princess you are." He tells her. Damn that was smooth! Felix taught him well, and I can see Pepa is proud of her boy. Riley blushes, and stammers that she doesn't want anything expensive, and is perfectly happy with the rose in her hair. He concedes and they move on. We somehow manage to stealthily follow them from behind stalls, bushes and donkeys. They are at the bridge and looking out the water. I see Camilo take a calming breath before turning to Riley.

"Riley?" He asks, getting her attention. "I know it hasn't been long, but I was wondering. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks. Riley blushes, and seems nervous.

"Under one condition." She blushes. Camilo tells her to name it and she continues, "I... I wanted to save myself for marriage. Preston... Took that away from me. So, I don't wish to do that again until I'm married. Is that ok with you?" Camilo smiles understandingly and tells her that's completely fine with him. She then agrees to be his girlfriend. I cant help myself and jump up from the bush I'm behind, pumping my fists in the air. Riley jumps a mile, landing in Camilo's arms.

"GO CAMILO AND RILEY!!!!!" I yell, pumped for my little sister. Mirabel and Pepa comes out of the bush too and Pepa shakes her head while laughing at me. Riley blushes like crazy as we come up and congratulate her. Pepa speaks up to Dolores, asking her to tell Julieta to make a special dinner in celebration. I kiss Riley on the forehead and tell her I'm proud of her, then turn to Camilo. "Know this, if you break her heart, I'll break you. And Leo will help. Understood?" He nods, more serious than I've ever seen him. I smile at him and tell them to have fun, then leave for Casita. I hope I get to tell Bruno and Leo the news first.

As I arrive, Casita seems happier than usual, shutters waving and tiles clinking. I enter and find Dolores telling Julieta, Alma and Luisa the news. I smile and join them. Luisa asks me how it went down, so I give them a play by play and talk up all the good things Camilo did. As I tell them about accidentally scaring her, Bruno and Leo come in. They get filled in and Leo high fives me. Bruno smiles and is proud of Camilo. We hear the door open and in walks Camilo and Riley, holding hands and just being adorable! Mirabel appears out of nowhere and sighs happily.

"Now all that's left is to get Leo and Luisa together." She grins. I look at her in surprise, and Bruno agrees with her.

"Woah, woah, Leo and Luisa like each other as more than friends!?" I ask. Bruno laughs and says the two of them have been giving each other puppy eyes for weeks. I shake my head, not surprised I didn't see it myself. Bruno grins and kisses my head, pulling me in for a side hug. Later in the day, I'm in the kitchen with Julieta helping her make Riley's favorite dinner of spaghetti. As I chop tomatoes for the sauce, Julieta turns to me with a knowing grin.

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