6. Stay Away

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"I told you he needs to get laid," Alton intentionally whispered yell, dragging my attention toward them.

"Shut up, Alton. Will you?" Ian snapped.

"And what's with your grumpy mood today?" Ian asked, facing me.

A long slurp was heard beside him, and we both looked at Alton, who was drinking his milkshake lazily.

I should not have motivated him!

Rolling his eyes, Ian faced me. What should I tell him? He's not gonna buy any stupid lie of mine.

"On a serious note, are you all well? Something troubling you?" Alton asked, keeping his drink aside.

See, he cares!

And I know this side of his, that is why I asked him not to pay any heed to Faith's words.


She has terrorized my mind since last night. Who the fuck was that man that dragged her out of my house? Just a tug on her hair, and she knocked Blake out, then what is so special about that jerk?

I have been observing her since morning. There is no change in her emotionless eyes nor on her expressionless face but, something has happened. I saw her stealing glances at me. Every now and then she would look up at me, and on getting caught, she would avert her gaze. Is she gonna discontinue my tutoring?

Shit! No! I was getting along with history.

"Kyle!!" Both Ian and Alton yelled gaining the attention of the whole canteen.

"What?" I frowned.

"You need to stop spacing out" Alton spitted.

Uh oh yeah.

The bell rang signaling for our next classes. Saved! People started dispersing.

"That's my cue to leave. And also I'll go with Max today, we have some assignments to discuss at his home" Alton said sliding up his bag.

I and Ian raised our brows at him. Smirking we turned towards him.

"For assignments or for getting laid?" I asked mocking him.

"Of course assignments," he said looking everywhere but at us.

"Oh.. so you'll not meet Elena, you'll not use some useless pickup lines on her and you'll surely not try to smash your good-for-nothing mouth on her like last time..." Ian listed folding his arms.

"Yess... and also will not get kicked in the guts for it" I too joined in. Ian and I snickered at his expressions.

"No," Alton said confidently.

"Because this time... I'll make sure to fuck her... hard," he said licking his lips.


"Disgusting! Get lost idiot" Ian shooed him away.

"Will give all the inside details tomorrow!" Alton shouted running out.

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