he sings to you

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(I was just at a choir contest thing for school so I thought why not?)

Seriously who even wakes up at 5 in the morning you thought. It was the day you left hogwarts for the summer and harmione knew you would need time to get your stuff together so her brilliant idea was to wake you and all the rest of the girls up at 5.

"Do you have everything now?" She questions.

"Yes mom" you mock.

Smiling she shakes her head and walks out. Closing your trunk you hear a knock on the door. Who else would be up at this time? "May i come in" a familiar voice asks.

"Of course babe!"

"I uh have something I guess for you.."

"Harry you didn't need to do that. We'll only be apart for summer and I'll call all the time, and write all the time don't worry." You smile walking over to him.

"No i did." He grins putting his hands on your hips. Out of nowhere the song a thousand years by Christina perry starts playing softly. Confused you look up at harry only to have him lean down and start singing in your ear slightly off key.

"Darling dont be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more" You two slowly dance around the room with your hands around his neck and his around your waist. "I love you (y/n) he whispers, the music has long since stopped but you two continued dancing anyway.

"I love you too."

(A/N: Oh my gosh I just died of cuteness.)

Stop, it's to much.
Then there it is, a light pressure on your back. Draco. Him and only him. Your love. Strong arms wrap around your shaking frame, holding you close. His voice leading you to a chair, where he pulls you into his lap and rocks you softly singing into your ear.

"If i were you I'd put that away. See your just wasted and thinking about the past again. Darling you'll be ok." With those words he kisses you head as you drift off into unconsciousness..

(A/N: Ok i dont even know what this is. Is it good?)

It's getting dark and you haven't seen Ron all day. The picture guarding the entrance to the commons swings open multiple times but never reveals the boy you want it to. Finally giving up you start to head to bed, before you make it to the stairs the twins gently push you down into a nearby chair "you don't want to miss this." They smirk. Confused you look around the room. Your eyes land on a certain redheaded boy who is currently fussing with a radio of some sort. The once quiet room is now filled with a burst of sound. It takes you a few seconds to realize it's your favorite. Cheerfully you jump and rush to him. Pulling you to his chest he sings, of key, to you making everyone in the commons laugh. Smiling you kiss his cheek. Best day ever!

George and Fred:
(OK i got this idea from a destiel picture)

It was the usual buzz of loud talk in the dinning hall. George and fred had something up their sleeves and you guys knew it, but who was gonna stop them when they had their mind set on something. Happily eating your plates of assorted foods you don't notice the twins looking around eagerly.

BANG!!!! A loud sounds echos throughout the room making everyone jump. Not even 3 seconds after the song cherry pie blares from an unknown source. Not wasting a minute George jumps on the table pulling fred with him and they point at you two while singing "She's my cherry pie!"
Laughing you glance over at the other girlfriend see her put her hands in the air and scream "were ther cherry pies!"
Soon the whole school is dancing and singing except draco who's complaining that his father is going to hear about this, he's such a git. (A/N: sorry not sorry, but for real he is such a complainer. Am I right?...... Ugh why is he so perf tho? Also sorry but I thought that this would be something Fred and George would totally do together so their together.)

He is literally trash he cannot sing..... (A/N: sorry that was mean......haha but for real i can't see him even trying to sing)

Neville is literally the sweetest person ever! You thought to yourself. He was hugging you and singing softly In your ear. You didn't recognize the tune but oh well it was beautiful. Kissing his cheek you whisper you love him into his ear making him forget the words to the song and blush.

(Sorry I'm trash I know.....)

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