The Possessed

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This must have been one of the single most scariest things that had happened to me in my short expansion of a lifetime (which is very sadly only eighteen years long and I turned just recently by the way). It happened about eight years ago in 2008 or 9, I don't quite remember. How old was I back then? 11 probably and believe me when I say what I witnessed that day was something no child should never see.

You see where I lived there was this common thing that people referred to as a 'Jin'. If you don't know what that is then you my friend should be very glad because you're better off not knowing and should probably stop reading while you still have the chance. Ignorance is a bliss that you should take complete advantage of. I mean it.

But what the heck, you're still reading so I might as well explain. The people there believed in the supernatural to a certain degree, and well after I saw eye-splintering truth with my own eyes, then I had too.

A 'Jin' is this supernatural that can't be seen, touched nor heard for that matter, but they are people just like us living their everyday lives among us invisible to our eyes. These 'Jin' have the ability to posse people and take over their bodies using it as their own, sending the one being possessed into a deep slumber.

Creepy I know. The worst thing is that they often claim to be real life people that you actually know just to confuse you and lead you to believe they are humans seeking revenge for whatever messed up reason they come up with, which is where I think the concept of ghosts originally came from.

During my stay there I had seen several people being possessed and became quite accustomed to it which I know was not normal at all. There it was quite normal no matter how freaky and scary the concept was for people to get possessed. And fortunately for them they knew a way to get rid of it so they just had to accept it.

The trick is to kick them out and you can do that by simply exorcism. To them holly water and words are deadly. It disintegrates their very being.

Now you're probably wondering why they don't just slip out of the body temporarily and come back later and snack or whatever they do in there while the exorcism is going on, but you see, they can't. The exorcist make sure of that before he even begins exorcising. And do you know how he do that? He simply binds the left little finger of the victims. Apparently that's their only entrance and exit in and out of the body so if you block that one then there's no way out. Freaky I know. And unbelievable too.

The main reason why they go through the trouble of binding said left little finger, is cause they want to thoroughly punish and exorcise the Jin to make sure they won't ever return.

Well, to teach them a very mean lesson, to be quite frank which is perfectly fair in my opinion. You possess someone else then you should prepared to get beaten up internally or mentally or whatever pain they go through. You gotta face the consequences of your actions buddy.

Okay now that you have heard all about Jin and how to exorcise them and stuff I think you're ready to hear my story.

I had this aunt who was my mother's cousin making her my second aunt who lived with us for countable amount of time alongside her mother (mom's aunt). Her name was Sally. She was so sweet and pretty, only in her late twenties. Gosh she was so funny and had the most hilarious tales to tell. I just have a thing for a great story with a good laugh which made me really like her. You guys like her already too, huh? Everyone did! But that didn't make her any different from all the other unfortunate victims. Yeah you guessed right, my sweet little aunt got possessed at her young and lovely age (gosh I sound old). She used to faint and collapse every night, possessed.

Because she got possessed so often we kinda immediately fell into this weird routine that we all got used to.

It always started out with something like this: My little siblings and I are spending the night with her when she suddenly start complaining about her heart and sends us off to fetch her some water. As she drones it, she lays down and bam! The aunt who was speaking with us just normally a moments ago is suddenly breathing irregularly. We shoot off and alert everyone including her mother or should I say especially her mother. The exorcist is on speed dial and arrive within ten minutes with a couple of people to restrain her.

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