Spiderson - Not On My Watch

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This prompt was left as a free for anyone to use at the bottom of an Irondad and Spiderson one shot book by AFuckingFemboy. 

Idea: Peter gets hurt and the avengers baby's him. He also tries to sneak out on patrol and irondad drags him home and forces him to lay on his bed/the sofa while the others are watching him to make sure he don't try to get away... any one can use this idea if the want, I just want said person to give me the link to the story so I can read it!

Sorry if my spelling is gaudy I'll correct it when I actually sleep.

Peter knew he was already done for. His aunt had taken an unmissable opportunity to work all around the world, both her and Peter decided the best thing for him was for his mentor and father figure Tony Stark to take custody of Peter as it was unclear how long this would last. Upon moving into Avengers Tower (as a newly appointed Avenger may I also add) there were new rules regarding patrols, Spider-Man and overall his priorities, Tony only found out how important Spider-Man was to Peter through the amount of times he's cried to May over it, taking Spider-Man away isn't going to do anything. A quick overall of all his rules are evening patrol from 10pm to midnight or midnight to 2am, afternoon patrol either 4pm to 6pm or 6 to 8pm he can not do all four only one at a time, homework must be completed before going on patrol, twice weekly training session, report all injuries to either Tony, Nat or Bruce, just naming a few there. Right now Karen was telling his it's 2:15am, any moment now the Ironman will turn up and haul him back to the tower if Karen doesn't get possessed first.

His sixth sense made him jump to the sounds of screams about 20 kilometres to the southeast of him, go out with a bang before being grounded or he could lie, no Tony would simply ask FRIDAY who has access to Karen, nothing Peter or Ned could do to block Tony out. He spotted 4 guys armed with a mixture of guns and knives nothing he hadn't seen before, they were cornering a woman shouting slurs at her. Without batting an eyelid he swung down putting himself between the woman and the men, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size, run," he indicated to the woman, they pounced fighting from four different directions, he dodged the bullets and stabbing motion but that doesn't mean a few didn't get him, with the weapons webbed up they turned to hand to hand combat. Peter was already light headed so with the advantage they went to town on him till he somehow webbed them up. A fifth man he hadn't previously noticed pulled the trigger and ran, the bullet scraped his side taking a bit of flesh and suit with him. Dam it!

Begrudgingly he made his way slowly back to the tower entering the famed spider hatch directly into his room. Who the hell would be up at 3 am (AN: me I'm a insomniac writing this at three am) certainly not any of the people he needed to notify, he was on his own. Peter knew how to do stitches, he had practice but he wasn't necessarily doctor level and was limited to the basic first aid kit kept in every bathroom. Took an hour to do the four deep cuts and as he had to improvise on materials the job was very messy, Peter couldn't be bothered to stitch anymore tonight so he simply wrapped the rest up threw on a hoodie and set to work mentally planning how to fix his suit and not get the two warring AI's to snitch.

Peter slowly peeled his eyes open, the tired sticking to his eyes, reluctantly they cleared to the faces of the Avengers surrounding his bed and Tony's face right over his, they all looked MAD. "Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark one you were late in last night and two you are hurt and you didn't tell any of us not even bloody Happy!" Tony yelled, "What I'm not hurt," Nat gave him one of her famous yeah right looks as Clint piped up, "Alright then does," he placed to fingers on his stomach a common target for rookie thugs, "This hurt," he finished as Peter winced away, "Come on Peter let's see what you've done now," Bruce ordered guiding the teen up to medbay. Tony as you can tell is mad as is any other responsible adult in the tower, sorry Clint, Thor, Loki I wasn't talking about you, good thing it was a Saturday. With fresh bandages and proper stitching he was ordered to rest and should be healed up by Monday.

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